1. Twilight Princess. Because it's just that awesome.
2. Phantom Hourglass: I can't really remember much of it...it's as if it was all just a hazy dream...weird...but it
was a good game.
3. Ocarina of Time: Played it at my friends house. I got to the final dungeon.
4. Skyward Sword: At last! Muahahahaha!
5. Ocarina of Time? Huh? Oh, right, I took my Wii to my friends house cuz he had WiFi and I bought it on Virtual Console. So I had to start over. Haven't finished yet. I also seem to remember getting another on Virtual Console. What was it again? Oh, right, it was-
6. Majora's Mask: Still working on it! This game is good. Believe me.
The first one that I ever played was Phantom Hourglass, and even after I had played it I didn't realize that it was part of a series. I only realized it after the advertisements for Spirit Tracks were out. Now the only Zeldas I don't have are the Oracle games and the Minish Cap.
Umm, if you don't mind me asking, how did you not realize that it was part of the series?