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  1. Matthew Srolis

    Majora's Mask & The Occult

    Cool! Yeah never thought about the purple heart, mabye thats what nintendo was thinking!
  2. Matthew Srolis

    How Link Heals?

    Lol and cool interpretation
  3. Matthew Srolis

    How Link Heals?

    Although this can simply be explained by "video game logic" we are video game theorists, we don't take that for an answer. So throughout playing the zelda games I have always wondered how link heals by running into a heart. My theory is that link, is able to heal by absorbing the life force from...
  4. Matthew Srolis

    Most Interesting Zelda Theory

    My fav zelda theory would have to be Link is dead in majoras mask, however it has been disproven.
  5. Matthew Srolis

    How exactly does Link "consume" heart containers.

    I say he absorbs there life force and the heart containers allow him to hold another one like @Deus was saying. This also explains how grass can drop hearts, they dont have hearts but they do have life force.
  6. Matthew Srolis

    Breath of the Wild There will be NO female Link

    Ya and if you want nintendo to make a homosexual couple then they shouldnt put it in zelda, a games formula that nintendo dosent want to tke the risk to change and neither do its fans. also link is a character with motives and personality, it would be weird just to change him completely.
  7. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    However you have to think, are gorons smart enough to think of this, I think of gorons as more barbaric and rush in with no plan. However the zora and guredo would plan something like this but more akin to their abilities
  8. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    looks awesome just also u shoud add gorons sink in water and that gerudo can survive in harsh weather conditions.
  9. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    There you go great job. I say this is a pretty solid conclusion.
  10. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    And to clarify also by twili i meant shadow creatures
  11. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    Yep , just one more intresting point to bring up is that when ganon took over he did witout anyone rebeling, this time gorons zora and hylains would be after him all at once
  12. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    I think what you did is awesome adding some realism to it and great story, but now apply that to the actual rules being every race for them selves and closley anaylze the map. this helps.
  13. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    Yes, but point being it would definitly distract gerudo forces for a while. also that bridge is easily breakable leaving many gerudo forces wihtout horses unable to face combat. How do you think this would end for the hylians.
  14. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    Yes they have konume and kotake and ganondorf without triforce however gorons have darunia.
  15. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    Ya but they could poteintally pick off gerudo forces from there, not saying it would be the most effective but it would still work in the zoras benefit. Also sheikah would be wiped out right away by the gorons. Also i believe that the zoras would take control of lake hylia and the gerudo would...
  16. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    K, but look at a map of oot. They could go past the bridge and climb the waterfall and set up camp. Point being the zora could infiltrate many places by water flow. Also hyrule castle, which I think is doomed at this point even if they do have link, who would die after the whole army dies within...
  17. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    Also have have you not voted for gorons and do you think they could beat the guredo explain why?
  18. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    I was talking about both races gorons and guredo and also the zora in tp can climb waterfalls, remind me isint the way from lake hylia to guredo river waterfall
  19. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    True, i do remember that
  20. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    And how are they gonna get into Zora territory, its filled with avaliable spot for zora to jump out in the river and the domain is blocked by a giant wall. Gerudo territory is blocked by a well, bridge. Also the zoras could easily get in through lake hylia.
  21. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    From where exactly on the map?
  22. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    Water bombs, and i assume gorons soft underbellys would be susceptible to wounds. Also if a gorons stuck at the bottom of a lake, its not moving, therefore usless. Also from what i can tell there are more zoras than gorons (referring to there respective games) therefore enough zoras could drag...
  23. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    I say Zora as they actually have a pretty solid military. The hylains army is scared of almost everything (exept for link), The guredo would be the closet match to the zora, both with big armys and bases hard for others to reach, however there are simply more zora than gerudo so i believe this...
  24. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    Although goronscan survive underwater, they whould still be easily killed if dragged underwater as they move as slow as any other human.
  25. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    Good answer just in OoT there is very few Sheikah, and as well as most other zelda games.
  26. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    U said Ikanians, also who said Oocoo lol they could actually win tho.
  27. Matthew Srolis

    Zelda War

    I posted this a while ago, but I feel like this topic could be brought up again, that being what if a war started between all the zelda races, who would win. The races being the hylians of OoT, the sheikah of OoT, The gorons of OoT, the zora of TP, the Deku of MM, The Twili of TP, The koroki of...
  28. Matthew Srolis

    Breath of the Wild New Amiibo

    If the guardian is so important to appear in two trailers and has its own amiibo I wonder what role it will play? Mabye after every important thing you do you will have to run away from the guardian for a brief period of time. Or mabye they surround temples chasing whoever gets close away. But...
  29. Matthew Srolis

    Breath of the Wild Timeline: Where is the game going to go?

    Great theory but as of now I believe this game is post spirit tracks because of the architecture, landscape, and overall feel to the game.
  30. Matthew Srolis

    Zephos and Cyclos are Rajin and Fujin!

    I tried bring up this theory to Gajin Goombah, but of course he did not respond or likely see it. Anyways I propose to you that the two gods of windwaker Zephos and Cyclos are based of Japanese gods Rajin and Fujin. Appearence: This is one is fairly obvious, just though I would get it...
  31. Matthew Srolis

    Majora's Mask is based on Dark Side of the Moon

    Great theory. Definitly see the similarities however i believe this is a coincidince, especially a game made in japan.
  32. Matthew Srolis

    Would you like Gossip stones to play a more prominent role in the story

    Excellent idea.it would be cool if you could rewatch them too
  33. Matthew Srolis

    Would you like Gossip stones to play a more prominent role in the story

    Ive always found the Gossip stones mysterious.They are kinda just there giving us minor info.Would you like them to get a better role in the story or at least be helpful or explained?Say yes or no and why you would/not.Also explain how they could be used,mabye not in just the way regular hit for...
  34. Matthew Srolis

    What zelda race would win in a war(Oot v.)

    This would take place on hyrule field.This includes all races in oot.Try not to just say who you think would win but instead say how the whole battle would turn out.I will post my ideas later
  35. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    Guys comment on my new thread,what zelda race would win a war(oot)
  36. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    Who do you think the whole war would play out shronagi and G-king
  37. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    Let's try to keep it none racist here in this racist discussion lol
  38. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    What of this war really did happen,it would explain the discrimination in majoras mask.
  39. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    Also all of th deku can fight.None are elders,children,or injured
  40. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    Also in time of great need the turtle would most definitely open the temple up to the zoras.
  41. Matthew Srolis

    Mikau's Death

    See guys,now we have solid evidence.Put it in the books. (Sarcasism for people who can't tell)
  42. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    Just thought I'd throw in a point for the discussion,the zoras have ice arrows in their temple,Gorons weakness.
  43. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    Wow,that's actually really accurate.one more thing I would throw in there though.Lon Lon Ranch seems to be Clocktowns only food source causing thirst and starvation in Clocktown.Also the business scrubs would help a lot fro sneaking in just like the magic bean guy.
  44. Matthew Srolis

    Your Wallet Is Full...

    They handled rupees so well in a link between worlds.you have no water upgrades and your limit is 9999.Also you can buy items making rupees actually helpful
  45. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    I say The hylains would be the first to hear the news brought back form trade routes from Lon lon ranch and the postman.They would probuly shut the gates and have the troops on the castle walls armed with spears.I feel like the Gordon's with there confident and angry body's would seize...
  46. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    To make this more intreasting than it already is,instead of just saying This speceis wins because of "this" and "that" let's explain the battle scenario and explain based of common knowledge who would attack first?Who could attack fatest and most stealtheist.Who has the best weaponaray.
  47. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    Great question. As "win" I ment to survive in conditions were all races are mad at each other.
  48. Matthew Srolis

    Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)

    Just a question,do dekus need to eat?
  49. Matthew Srolis

    Majoras mask was a DREAM

    Hyrule historia
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