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  1. G

    Undertale is for PC players?

    Why do you feel that way? I'm a bit confused as to what you mean. Undertale is a lot closer to Earthbound than it is Zelda, and even then, I don't see how one should affect the relevance of the other, seeing as they're two different things altogether.
  2. G

    Breath of the Wild How do you want E3 Information?

    I would like my E3 lightly sautéed with a light helping of "WAAAAAAAH!" I mean, I would be happy with a light serving of "This New Zelda Sucks", as well as "Yooka-Layle will be the worst thing since diarrhea", but I definitely think the crying, the whining, and the fanboying is necessary for...
  3. G

    If you was stranded on a island

    In all honesty, I have a feeling that if I were to be stranded with anybody from this forum, we'd have a Lord of the Flies situation on our hands. Our society here on this forum is already on the verge of collapse as it is, we don't need to see it expedited by being forced to be in the company...
  4. G

    If you was stranded on a island

    Exactly! My god, we'll beat the verbal pauses out of him before he can even ask "Why's the rum gone? Is the entire Royal Navy out looking for us?"
  5. G

    If you was stranded on a island

    Misty, if we're ever stranded on an island together, you think we should make Gilligan read up on that lexicon we were planning to give him? I kind of think that even while stranded, he needs to learn wordz.
  6. G

    If you was stranded on a island

    http://www.hawaiilife.com/articles/2009/11/where-did-all-these-big-island-turkeys-come-from/ http://nzbirdsonline.org.nz/species/wild-turkey
  7. G

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    That's literally every living thing on this planet. Makes you wonder how anything has survived this long, doesn't it?
  8. G

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    But what if they're actually a Sunny D girl pretending to be a cookie girl?
  9. G

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    It's days, like those, that I drag with me one of those Starbucks DoubleShot energy drinks, because I wouldn't dare touch Monster or Red Bull. Red Bull gives you something, but it certainly isn't wings.
  10. G

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Ouch. That sucks man. Hope you brought an energy with you for it? D:
  11. G

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Now that we've gotten that out of the way...
  12. G

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [1:25 PM] Selenus: Come on! You're better than this! [1:25 PM] Selenus: You've got civilizations to bring to ruin, feeble human minds to destroy! [1:25 PM] Selenus: Exactly! You have better things to do than sparkle! [1:24 PM] Deus: But not in a punny way, its just really hard to play W2 when...
  13. G

    Broom broom! What do you listen to in your car!?

    That just makes me listen to the sound of hocus pocus instead. Although if I rode around on my broom and listened to Matoya's Cave instead, it wouldn't be so bad. Swish-swish-aroo!
  14. G

    Broom broom! What do you listen to in your car!?

    It's kind of hard to listen to my broom. It does nothing but swish, swish, swish.
  15. G

    Kind of.

    Kind of.
  16. G

    I had a pretty productive day, thanks. :)

    I had a pretty productive day, thanks. :)
  17. G

    Are you still friends with people you went to school with?

    Unfortunately, no. I went to four different high schools, and lost most of my friends in those transitions due to growing distant to them. Many real life friends often became online friends for a time, until our interests just diverted entirely. Some of the online friends I've made through...
  18. G


    As a general rule of thumb, no, I don't like to cheat. I try to play through my games the normal way first. I never feel like I need to cheat to get what I want from a game, unless the thing I want from a game has ridiculous requirements to get, such as getting from the beginning of the game to...
  19. G

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Nearing the end of Final Fantasy IX on Steam.
  20. G

    Link Between Worlds or Majoras Mask 3d

    That depends on whether you are more interested in story or gameplay. Eventually, you should get both, because MM3D and ALBW are both excellent games. It also depends on which one interests you more. From what it sounds like, you haven't played either. Have you tried the original MM? If you...
  21. G

    What's your MBTI personality type?

    It's weird. I used to be a lot more introverted back in the day.
  22. G

    Hey, it's absolutely adorable, even if you don't appreciate pugs or dogs at all.

    Hey, it's absolutely adorable, even if you don't appreciate pugs or dogs at all.
  23. G

    Things you dislike seeing others doing

    And like, does that help at all?
  24. G

    Things you dislike seeing others doing

    People who say "and ****" after every other word. Swearing is one thing, but that just shows a lack of articulation and intelligence.
  25. G


    Here you go, but understand this: the original is much, much harder than the remake, but it'll give you an idea of how the game works, because at their core, both versions of the game operate under the same principle. Oh, and make sure you download the translation patch, too, or else you'll be...
  26. G

    Things have totally gone bananas here, man.

    Things have totally gone bananas here, man.
  27. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    This needs to not just be a mod, but a social experiment. How far can we take this theory before it snaps? Hmm...
  28. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    There's also the fact that he literally commits bank fraud by abusing the "stamp your bank balance on your forehead" trick the banker uses to keep track of your bank balance. Really, all this just points to a very large problem in the Zelda timeline: the further on down you go, the more brazen...
  29. G


    La-Mulana is one of my favorite indie games to have come out in the last few years. For those of you who like Metroid or just really hard old school games, this game would be right up your alley. The basic premise of the game is pretty simple: You play as Lemeza Kusogi, an adventurer...
  30. G

    Replaying Games

    My problem is that I have a lot of games to play, and so little time to play them. When I do have time to play something, it's typically a game I've played before, mostly because it's a game I already know, and can therefore finish in a decent amount of time. I have a lot of homework as well as...
  31. G

    Hyrule Warriors Created an account just to post here

    Yeah, that's how you get the meter under the health bar to fill up. You have to do one of his combos, and then mash the strong attack button to make the meter fill up. Once the meter is full, you can then unleash Zant's variant of a spin attack. Also, getting his Level 3 Weapon on Adventure...
  32. G

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Why can't it be a wasteful way to fun time? The two are not mutually exclusive.
  33. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    On top of that, she made Link sleep out on Outset's observation post. The love clearly does not run in Link's family, and while Link is most certainly a juvenile delinquent guilty of very heinous crimes, we can't entirely lay the blame for his own madness at his feet, now can we?
  34. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    That's what he wants you to think! Fight the oppression! Fight the influence! :B
  35. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    Oh, he doesn't just stalk people, he harasses their pigs, too. Teasing cuccos isn't enough for Link, oh no, he has to pick on every bit of livestock he finds! Sadly, I don't think any form of correction is going to do anything for that guy. You put him to death, he'll just reincarnate and do it...
  36. G

    What's the meaning behind your username?

    And here I thought you were named after the final boss of Xenogears! Boy, you sure had me fooled!
  37. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    And that's not even getting into the fish people he shoots at on his boat for no reason! They were doing nothing but leaping into the air, minding their own business. Then along comes Link, who shoots them, and then extorts them to fill his sea chart! His grandma didn't raise him well enough!
  38. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    We're not just talking any old troubled spirit, either, no sir-ee! We're talking spirits of concentrated hatred! Link was trying to spread a hate plague all throughout Hyrule just so he and the sages could blame it on Ganondorf! That jerkass!
  39. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    In his "quest" to "save" Hyrule, Link caused quite a lot of forest fires in the name of "defeating" the "Evil" Prince of "Darkness". Also, Link kidnapped a child in AoL. If this doesn't scream irredeemable juvenile delinquent anarchist arsonist pretend!Hero, I don't know what does.
  40. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    You can shoot the pot on her head. I think you can also straight up knock the pot off her head, too, but it's been a while since I've played WW.
  41. G

    Which operating system?

    Any particular reason why you prefer Windows10 over a *nix? (OS X is considered a Unix-based OS like Linux). There are things I like about Windows 10, such as not having to deal with the Charms bar like in Windows 8, but having two places to go for altering settings is really unintuitive. They...
  42. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    We don't talk about that place, because it's all a lie anyway conjured up by a 35 year old Hylian who thinks he's a fairy being duped by a giant talking rupee.
  43. G

    TPHD-Wii U TPHD Complaint Thread

    You might be thinking of the original version of MQ, which didn't have the inverted map. That was a feature added to the OoT3D version of MQ.
  44. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    ...that sword, and went home, because now that he hasn't, he's probably brought dishonor to his village as well as the wrath of the Royal Family. ...Then again, considering how stupid the Royal Family itself is, I think the former is worse than the latter. *shrug* There are no turkeys in Hyrule.
  45. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    Exactly! He's just trying to put on the façade of being a good guy just so he can avoid the consequences of his actions! We haven't even gotten into all the innocent fields of grass he sliced up just so he could get stuff people dropped in them. The nerve of that guy! He definitely is in full...
  46. G

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Just make sure that honey is not also full of bees. They're quite the buzz kill. ;)
  47. G

    Is Link a juvenile delinquent?

    We all know the legends of the Hero and how he saves the princess and stuff, but does he have to: Break so much pottery? (That pot could've had the ashes of someone's dead relative instead of those hearts or rupees!) Attack so many innocent chickens cuccos? (What did the chickens cuccos ever...
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