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  1. T

    Spoiler Plot Holes?

    here is a list of some of the plot holes I see just in skyward sword. if at the time of link's wing ceremony the academy has been around for 25 years(I know that this is relational to the 25 years of zelda), how long has skyloft been there? Why does gaporea[sic] not search for his daughter...
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    Spoiler Allowing Failure to Be an Option

    Does anyone think that failure should be an option in Zelda? Meaning if you die then you die or any events depend on time like in Majora's Mask. I just think the game is too easy when Zant takes away the bridge of eldin only after you cross it. Wouldn't it be more interesting to solve puzzles...
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    What if Din,Nayru,Farore Are Aliens?

    This is a theory pulled out of Erich von Daniken's book "Chariot of the Gods" When the Hyrule Creation story is given it says that the godesses returned to a nebula. Why would you have a astronomical term if you simply meant the heavens or heaven. I understand that the game is Eastern Based...
  4. T

    Disappointed There Was No Water Region?

    I think that the fact that there was no dedicated water wasn't so bad I just would have liked to see more time traveling because you only get to see spheres of the "past" in the sand sea I would have liked it to be more spread out and I would have loved to have more water based enemies and...
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    April Giveaway Contest: Top 5 Favorite Video Games

    my favorite games are as follows Games 1. Super Mario Galaxy 2. Metroid the other M 3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 4. Twilight Princess 5. Skyward sword Game Series: 1.Zelda 2. Mario 3. Sonic 4. Blaster Master 5. Metroid
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    Spoiler What Do You Think SS Was Missing?

    I don't think it was missing much but adding a dungeon where you get to fight ghirahim's cohorts would have been interesting I also disliked the fact that you had to return to the sky to warp into the same province I wish that you could have moved between the provinces. I would have like...
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    "Cop Out Timeline"

    I was listening to axle in his last mailbag/article where he said the "Link is defeated timeline" was a cop out time line I disagree for several reasons: 1) why does good always have to triumph over evil? 2) when link dies should that be the end of the story and someone else(aka zelda...
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    Skyloft, Termina, Twilight Realm One Hit Wonders?

    I was wondering if anyone thought that skyloft like termina,subrosia,Labryna are one hit wonders or do you think that we will see these locations again? do you think we will see another game where skyloft is restored to the "world below" or where we see termina again simply because I think a...
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    Spoiler Is Zelda a Female Jesus?

    I ask this question because it seems that way when you go through the second gate of time after getting the sacred flames Zelda says that Hylia set two plans in motion. One being creation of Fi the other being coming back as a mortal. Does that mean the Zelda developers are trying to portray...
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    Active Villian

    I was wondering if anyone hoped for an active villian, meaning a boss that follows you and tries to stop you from achieving your objective In most games ganon or the villian just sits back until you screw up then capitalizes wouldn't it be better if the villian chased you around the overworld...
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    Spoiler Twilight Princess Questions As Well As General Questions

    in Twilight Princess it says that the dominion rod fell from the heavens so A) Are the skyloftians the Oocca or do you think that they are a different race all together even though most of the skyloftians seen so far are human in appearance. B) When the Guardians of Termina say they are...
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    Two Discs Adventure

    I am posting this here because it might seem very appropriate but I was wondering if anyone thought because of the extended development time that skyward sword could almost be fable long and be two disks? if not with skyward sword do you think that having a future zelda on two discs to prolong...
  13. T

    Link: Good or Evil?

    this title seems self explanatory but think of all that we have to go on. In OOT, he makes a judgement call to go after the two remaining spiritual stones. The reason being that zelda says she had a dream. He has never left the forest and I doubt the kokiri pay taxes to hyrule castle not to...
  14. T

    Ghirahim Bind or Kill?

    sorry if this thread exists elsewhere. My question is(under the assumption that ghirahim is the head honcho villain) is how will he be defeated will we bind him like we did ganon in OOT,TP,ALttp or will we kill him link the story states between the original Legend of Zelda and Adventures of...
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    The Character Known As Phi

    Phi as revealed at E3 will be our constant companion throughout the game much like midna and navi. I have a few questions theory based that I would like some insight into: A) why is it that our guides/guardians/helpers are always allowed vocals where as for the most part the protagonist and...
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    Spoiler TP Questions

    I have a bunch of questions about Twilight Princess. 1) during the zelda surrender cutscene, is she understood to be the queen at the time or did zant kill the king? 2) how long is twilight princess time wise? Does the battle of twilight span years or just a couple of days? 3) Who thinks we...
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    Cast the Zelda Movie!

    keanu reeves stays away from my zelda Link needs to be played by someone with a personality and has natural blonde hair Rauru - michael gambon Navi - TBD Impa - Milla Jovovich Ganon - Ralph Fiennes or Oded Fehr Ruto - Rose Mcgowan Saria - Holly Marie Combs Adult Zelda - Finola Hughes Adult...
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    How Many Zelda Games Have You Beaten?

    games I've beaten I have beaten LOZ AoL Lttp OOT minish cap TP PH ST 1/2 through MM never a fan of Oracles wind waker forest haven temple
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    What SHOULDN'T Nintendo Do with SS?

    I agree I hate the Zelda+Ganon=Link Saves the day I think that if they wanted to make it halfway decent to make it two discs almost like a final fantasy. I agree to hell with ice-themes. lets slip and slide into the abyss. I think the dungeons should change meaning you open door A versus B...
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    Collective Wanted Features Thread.

    Inclusions in SS if there is going to be 1:1 gameplay I wouldn't mind you throw the hookshot/something on a chain the monster pulls you in and you trip it with the weapon then go to town on it with the sword kind of like the boss of the lakebed temple. I would also like there to be funny...
  21. T

    Ocarina of Time Do You Think You Will Be Able to Complete OoT 3DS Quickly?

    I would that oot adapted for mobile gamers would make it something that you have to shut off every so often due to difficulty The original OOT wasn't so bad if you read a walkthrough but if it was your first game it might be difficult if you don't know where to go. I went through the first...
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    Adventure of Link What Could Be Done to Improve AoL? Make It Easier, More Fun?

    more affective spells I loved AOL but I do see alot of your points. I have one thing to add to it and that would be that the spells should have been more affective. I think the "spell" spell was completely useless. The cross that you use to get thunder was useless otherwise. I think that if...
  23. T

    Ganon's Perfect Plan

    how many people think ganon has been setup by the goddesses? is good vs evil a bad archetype? I think that ganon needs to stop thinking about controlling the world and more about how he can achieve that? do you think that setting the races of hyrule against each other would leave a power...
  24. T


    nice discussion I like the discussion. One question why/how did the gorons develop a tribal culture? vs monarch for "royal family" and Zoras as well as the gerudo? we know that the zora have a king and a queen. we also know that there is a goron patriarch. and the kokiris worship a tree. I...
  25. T

    Do You Think the SHeikiah Are Puppet Masters...creepy to Think About, Right?

    puppet masters why would you think there is a puppet master? in order to think of a puppet master you would have to find proof of a lack of free will on link's part. Mind you the games are orchestrated in such a way to deny free will in a big sense because link is a player's avatar and...
  26. T

    Ideas for New/updated Items?

    update items I would like to see the AoL spells and OOT to return also instead of getting spells I like the idea of a spell book like from LoZ that increases the power of the wand. I would like to be able to create fire and ice arrows at will. like a spell ice cast over either arrows or bombs...
  27. T

    Ideas for New/updated Items?

    new items I do think the crossbow would be cool but I also think that zelda needs to become more active like in spirit tracks. I know most zelda fans don't put much stock in the animated series but I think that zelda being your copilot would be cool. I also think that zelda needs to shy away...
  28. T

    Is Gannondorf Really Evil?

    evil is a strong word. absolute power corrupts absolutely. if ganondorf had the wisdom and courage he could ascertain all points of the triforce. in order to say that ganondorf was bad you have to determine if he did it out of greed or some inner earning. You would have to understand that...
  29. T

    Adaptation of the New Zelda Titles

    I would like to be able to defend myself on a bridge or ladder. I hate it when the keese can attack you and there is nothing you can do. I would like to see an easier equip screen. i would like to be able to sell items and possibly get them later down the line. This is like the biggoron...
  30. T

    Hero Death and Evil Death

    I am operating under the premise that the Links from the titles are different links and that the ganons are descendants and ancestors. Where do you think they are buried? do you think that link is buried in the royal cemetery or just a common resting place. do you think ganon's body is...
  31. T

    "Princess Zelda" and Link Vs Queen Zelda and Prince Link or King Link

    does anyone find it odd that no matter what happens in the zelda series Zelda is always a princess and never queen? do you think that at some point she will take the throne? is it possible to assume that someone else runs the kingdom while zelda is off on adventures with link? Where is the...
  32. T

    Spoiler Ghost Zelda

    does anyone think that it's odd that only link could see zelda apart from the functionality of the game in Spirit Tracks? Does anyone put faith in the animated series? The episode "The Missing Link" is a shipper's dream but I was curious if anyone else felt the same away about the reason why...
  33. T

    Goddess of Time

    who says that there are only 3 goddesses and not sub/demi-gods who help hyrule to function
  34. T


    I just don't understand why only the kokiri have fairies. why are the fairies seeking to help link etc don't they have their own goals etc. Also, the creation story given in OoT says that the goddesses created hyrule one created the land, one gave life to the land and another gave law to the...
  35. T

    Twilight Princess Link's Fate at the End of TP

    love story I think that maybe link wanted to be come and ambassador to the twilight realm to see if any of the twili could be reunited with the light realm but also maybe he might have been going to hyrule castle to see if Zelda had any feelings for him. I think that despite many fan fics that...
  36. T


    can someone tell me how many races are in hyrule? I was counting last night and this is what I came up with: Zora -> Ruto Goron Gerudo Fairies Kokiri -> Koroks Picori(minish) Hylian Human?(subspecies?) Twili Sheikah(subspecies?) Sages Godesses the reason I bring this up is because is the...
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    Lack of Parental Role Models

    I don't mean to be a prude or anything but has anyone noticed that neither zelda or link has any parental role models or otherwise you have scattered references to the king of hyrule but does a king not need a queen and then if so how do you explain the birth of zelda for one and also why is it...
  38. T

    Zelda And Link

    i think that if nintendo was going to cater to both audiences you would have to include some sort of scene where more than a kiss on the cheek happens. For one, I would think that the king has to die sometime and seeing as Zelda is the heiress to the throne in this male dominant society both in...
  39. T

    New Ideas for Zelda Games

    agreeing with some and altering depth of others I am glad someone sees the possibilities of my ideas I also agree with ariel that the zelda games need to be longer and being so you can add depth maybe even finalizing the time and fixing any holes in timeline theories. I mean I know people...
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    New Ideas for Zelda Games

    I think that in order to keep the series going aside from saleability there should be new and intriguing elements. First, I think that Link should have a choice to become the hero or not. Second, I think there should be a playable mode where you can play from Ganon's point of view. People might...
  41. T

    Adventure of Link Zelda 2 = Crazy Hard

    I have beaten Aol and I don't think it was that difficult aside from the sixth and seventh palace on top of the great palace. but it just takes time and knowledge when to use what spells etc otherwise you are going ot have a very difficult time with it.
  42. T

    Spoiler Common Theory Breakdown: One or More Ganons?

    Has it occurred to anyone that Ganon can't die because of the "rules" set in motion by the goddesses Link is destined to have the triforce of courage and Zelda has the Triforce of Wisdom. In order to truly end this would be for Link and Zelda to have a child because then two pieces of the...
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