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Collective Wanted Features Thread.


I don't like you either
Dec 31, 2010
Customizable character. Maybe even a female option. An rpg like clothing system would be cool, you know like +defense or +fire resistance. Also lots of minigames! I knowhe has the world to save and all but a hero needs his mini-games.
Jan 31, 2010
The thing I want the most is for the return of sidequests in the Majora's Mask style. Really deep stories (like Anju & Kafei's quest) that demonstrate people's backgrounds. It would be great. :cool:

And I'd also like the bosses to be, not just hard, but DEADLY hard! :devil:

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
I don't know about some of the ideas posted on this thread. Some of them could make ZSS and/or future Zelda games too complicated. RPG elements and other unnecessary additions that stray too far from the classic Zelda formula, such as adding an alternate playable character. What I want in Skyward Sword is an uncomplicated, decently challenging and replay-able game with a good, well thought out story, new puzzles and monsters that challenge your mind and skill, unique mini-games, little empty or wasted space, no items that become virtually useless after the dungeon you get them in, a second quest (rather than a difficulty setting), MM-style sidequests, and a collectible thats worth getting all of (In OoT and TP getting all Golden Skulltulas/poe souls gave you infinite rupees after you've beaten most of the game).

This has to do with the magic thing earlier. I think that Link should be able to use the Triforce of Courage for something other than just having it on his left hand. Zelda and Ganondorf both seem to have decent control over their pieces, but Link is way behind. I'd like to see more of the Triforce. Zelda has the Triforce of Wisdom, which represents Nayru. Nayru, in turn, is said to be related to water, time, and law. So, Zelda should be able to do more magic related to those things. Perhaps she could freeze time (without help from the Ocarina of Time >_>), or switch gravity? o_O The Triforce of Wisdom also obviously has to do with the mind. Zelda can probably read minds or control minds... We should see some of that.

Farore is the goddess of life, spirit, and wind. She breathed life into every living thing and gave them spirit. There's enough evidence in the games to show that she's also related to the wind. The closest thing that Link has ever done to any of these elements is in The Wind Waker, where he would control the wind using the Wind Waker. (Pretty self-explanatory.) But when have we actually ever seen him doing anything else that's related to his Triforce piece? It's understandable that he knows nothing of its power -- he usually has humble beginnings, after all -- but somewhere in the game there should be someone to inform him of this. As I said before, Farore is life... But in turn, wouldn't she also be death? (This is probably why Link gets healed by killing things...) It would be nice to see Link use his Triforce piece to, I don't know, grow trees here and there or something... Or perhaps he could be given the ability of astral projection and be able to float around as a spirit? Imagine playing a Zelda game with free flight like that. :D He might not be able to fly like Pit (from Kid Icarus) in Skyward Sword, but hopefully they'll get around to it somehow.

I agree, Zelda and Link should take advantage of their Triforce pieces. Mind reading and time freezing sounds epic, but I'm a little iffy with mind controlling and gravity switching. Link having the abilities to control wind and plants sounds good to me.


That two player bit sounds interesting. Maybe advance it to up to 4 players? Maybe there can be a set one player campaign, but then if you play multiplayer a lot of the dungeons are different. Have added bits in the plot where other characters with you are needed. Dark link being a second player would be cool, but what about zoras/rito/goron. All of them would have their own special attributes to add to the game as well.

Also, i'd like to see more BAMF antagonists. Vaati/Zant/Ganondorf are all insanely epic. Why not more? One more at least. (btw, i'm not as up to date with SS, so if they do have a new bad guy, someone please notify me).

Specific diverse controller action. By that I mean, using a GC controller, or maybe one of the nostalgic controllers to be some side playability. Almost like using the gameboy in WW to use tingle's wonderful rupee wasting bombing.

Just thoughts.


Fluffy hair!
Jun 15, 2010
Here we go again -- more ideas for the list. :D

Interaction between the characters should be brought up more. Usually, when Link talks to someone, it's basically "Oh, have you heard about the mountain erupting? There's rumors going around that the lava will swallow the whole village." and whatnot. And if you talk to them again -- "I'm not sure what I want to do. Some people are fleeing." And again -- "I'm not sure what I want to do. Some people are fleeing." Over and over and over.

While I don't think that the above is necessarily a problem since they can't add speaking options to the dialogue (Link is a silent protagonist), what they can do is give the characters different sayings depending on the situation. Ever notice how Link's sword slashes go right through NPCs? It would be a good idea if Zelda did what the game Okami has done. In Okami, when Amaterasu uses a brush technique or rams into a character, they react differently. Bumping into them causes them to get mad. Slicing them with the Power Slash makes them fall over. Causing a tree to randomly grow right beside them sparks confusion. So, in Zelda, what if the characters said different things depending on things like the weather or time of day? If it's raining, they might comment about something else than what they normally say. (I realize that some characters already do this, like Hena from Twilight Princess.) Or if it's the time of sunset, they could say something about how pretty the sky looks. Just as long as they don't repeat the same thing over and over (unless it's some kind of helpful hint that you might need to remember).

The thing that annoys me the most about Zelda's characters is that barely any of them respond to their environment. In Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf has taken over Hyrule... and yet Hyrule Field has been cleansed of Stalchildren, Kakariko Village is as happy as ever, and no one seems to be suppressed about anything -- they're busy worrying about their own problems. But as big as their problem might be, it seems to me that they fail to realize that their country has been taken over by a malicious evil tyrant! >_< This also happened in Twilight Princess... Hyrule Castle Town has been enveloped in a giant yellow crystal and nobody really seems to care or say anything about it. -_-;

So, basically, make another game with characters like Majora's Mask's and I'll be fine. :3

Hmm... How about this? Special drop items depending on which enemies you kill. It's just like the Spoils feature in The Wind Waker, except some of the items aren't just treasures to be collected. Perhaps, if you defeat a Darknut, you get a special piece of a sword that you can eventually use to forge a new sword out of? :D (See earlier post.) Or maybe, after you've defeated a certain number of Kargaroks, you get a colourful feather suit? XD I have no idea. But I'd like the Spoils feature to return in console Zeldas.

And just as an idea to the side... I want more fish varieties. ^_^

I'll add more later.


I strongly agree with Cel-Shaded Deku on this one, RPG elements seem only like unnecessary distractions to the gameplay. More NPC response to environment was a fantastic idea already mentioned. . . I just hope desperately that SS doesn't spend so much time showing off the fact you can swing a sword in fancy ways that its story takes a hit as a result. I'd love to see more dungeon item use in the overworld rather than for access to a heart piece. I'm looking at you, ball and chain...


Jun 29, 2010
Doing great! lots of posts, and even more good Ideas! soon we can reach 100 posts and send to nintendo...
Sep 22, 2010
Inclusions in SS

if there is going to be 1:1 gameplay I wouldn't mind you throw the hookshot/something on a chain the monster pulls you in and you trip it with the weapon then go to town on it with the sword kind of like the boss of the lakebed temple. I would also like there to be funny moments such as getting dragged by an octorock. I would also like to be able to use the sword as a baseball bat. pick up a bomb and bat it at an enemy booooom. there should be an underworld not skyloft to hyrule but like in the animated series you have to have the right tools to get to them. I also think that you should be able to put your sword on a rope. like spearing an enemy. I also think that there should be more "sword skills" like in TP like the ending blow. Almost a mortal kombat type move. I like all the sword skills. what do you think?


Fluffy hair!
Jun 15, 2010
And I'm back... for the third time...

Different methods to defeat bosses
is something they should definitely include. These days, Zelda has become too linear to the point that all you have to do is mess around with the dungeon's item and eventually figure out how to kill the boss. It'd be nice if they could let you kill the boss in different ways. And depending on how you choose to damage the boss, different stages of the battle will trigger. For example, let's say you're fighting a big armored boss. Phase 1 might be the boss just swinging at you. If you chose to use the Hookshot/Clawshot and grab off its armor one by one, then another scene triggers where it has been stripped off of all its armor and fights similar to the way the Darknuts in TP fight after their suit is gone. This would be Phase 2a. But what if you chose to use Fire Arrows and melt its armor off instead? Phase 2b could be a slightly different boss -- a mutated demon with molten armor that would damage you if you touched it. So basically, I want them to include split boss phases along with the different methods to kill the boss.

A bigger, yet denser, overworld would go above and beyond Zelda's definition of "adventure." Games like The Wind Waker had giant overworlds, but with barely anything in it. Twilight Princess also had another big overworld (although not as big as TWW's), but again, there wasn't much in it. I doubt that an immense and dense overworld would ever happen anytime soon since that's just a lot of stuff, though. It would really be great if they could do that...

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