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  • Actually they tasted like hmm a mix between strawberry and lemon...one tasted like rotten eggs though...never eating 50 characters again
    Hey, I was wondering, how to you become a Zelda Wiki or Hylian Knight?
    Yep, and now I've got an avatar that makes me seem older. :P Besides, the young link avatar isn't gone, it's still there if I want to use it.
    Also, thanks for sending one! =)
    (50 characters >_>)
    Kool, I've only play TP when I rented it. I should buy it but I dn since Mario Galaxy 2 is coming out soon.

    The zelda games I have are
    Collectors Edition (LOZ, AoL, OoT, MM) Beat all just not AoL WAY TO HARD
    LOZ for GBA Beat
    MM for N64 Beat
    WW for GC Beat
    and Brawl if that counts Beat the Story mode thing

    The other games I have rented yet I only beat MC PH out of the ones I rented TP I havn't beat I was like at a Sand Temple Desert thing.
    I hate when that happens. What other games do you have for Wii?
    I have Brawl, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Donkey Jungle Beat (The new Wii Version), Happy Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Red Steel, and Monopoly for Wii ( :P yeah I no Monopoly but I got it as a gift.)
    Also is your Brawl disc working today or no since the Tourney is today
    Same :) Was up till 5 Last night until I was bored so I went to bed.
    Hey whats up Shnappy???
    (50 Character Limit......................)
    Hehe, thanks. I wanted to make one that looked like the actual game intro, but I'm out of photoshop.
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