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  • Hello, my best friend. :) How is everything going? I hope I'm accepted into the ZeldaWiki group, I have lots of edits now. ^^
    Why thank you very much, M'dear. ^_^ What does your name mean?
    no explosion and overuse of earthquake and such?
    agree with single battle because its more fair that way
    Thanks so much for wishing me a happy birthday! (This is added for character limit reasons XD)
    damn Re-EV training kinda failed :(
    i tried to tried to Re-EV train my lucario, gallade and weavile.

    Weavile was a huge succes, at least that made me happy.
    But Gallade, it had 5 attack stats more, but it has slightly less speed ( 4 stats lower, pretty picky with speed stats) and its def stats was 71 on level 50. Thats really low.
    The other gallade has a def of 85 on level 50. So yeah i'm sticking to my old one.

    The Re-EV trained lucario, it has the exact same stats as the one before, only its def is also lower then normal. Weird, and it was not breeded from the same ditto. Also sticking with my old gallade.
    Yep that will be soon, just one more pokemon to EV train and then its complete.

    Thnx for the magikarp trainer tip. +22 speed with one level up :xd:
    guess i have to breed myself a jolly ditto then, god i hate breeding random natures. It depends on luck and its time consuming.

    You know i promised you a battle, and i said that was busy on a new team.
    Well one more poke to EV train and then you can battle my new team! :D
    Just jking i know dat stuff is privet sorry for that joke :)
    Were do you go to school because well i have nothing better to post :)
    Hey, wazzup, Shnappy? Have you asked Alexander for an account for the site, because I asked and he never responded? =/
    What about you?
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