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  • nice cocodrile pic dude, i like it, its NIIIIIIIIIIIIICCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Toon Link Battle Brawl happening again want to be in it sign up again in the club :)
    Hey thanks Shnappy. Yeah the sixth bar seems to be "a secret to everybody" as to why its so bright. I've never heard of any specific other than knowlee who said that the sixth is supposed to get brighter on forums like these, but idk. Anyway, thanks.
    But in a few minutes that won't happen anymore, as I intend to post more before I reach 21 years xD
    Thanks Shnappy
    Thanks my friend :) Houndoom is one of my favorite Pokémon along with Alakazam & Suicune. There are probably more efficient Pokémon to be found but I believe they are decent and they have a nice appearance imo!
    If I know a specific time, also, if I see you on the shoutbox, or are certain that you're online, I'll message you then. The issue is that I don't always have WiFi.
    Oh, really? I think they ROCK(point at name). Especially they're song Hypnotize. :P
    Yeah sure, I actually have a new team that I'm trying to test.

    I'm not sure when I will be able to though...
    Yeah, I saw that thread as well, and eventually decided to make that signature, in hopes of attracting some members.
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