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Pop 360
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  • It's ok, you can see on my profile, I'm not very active either.
    I've been alright, many things to do here and there, by the way I might get a PS3.
    Do you like anime?
    hey pop my computer has recently been working great so theres a possibility we may be able to see each other in the chat again! Wat nick do u use?
    lol thank you!and which one the one were link is riding epona or the one with kirby dressed as link?lol
    I'm alright, school is boring, but recently our classes get canceled and me and my friends are getting out of school and do nonsenses in the park near my house. Its better than learning.
    Did you get anything for christmas?
    Thank you! And it was great! I got a BUNCH of games. But, the most valuable to me are Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary Limited Edition, and Animal Crossing: Wild World. What'd you get?
    Lol this is a little late but...
    Happy new year Pop! And merry christmas! I don't celebrate neither of them, but have fun you!
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