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Pop 360
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  • Hey there Poppy! Merry Christmas! Thanks for the pressie, I love it! I won't need to go bath stuff shopping for like 2 years, the amount of bath stuff I got! :D Hope you have a great Xmas!!!!!! :D:D:D:D<3<3 :3
    :mad: I hate those tests! Ive been bombarded with essays and projects. What are you hoping for for xmas or your celebrated holiday?
    Thanks! And I'm great. I have about $215 saved up for a 3DS already. (And I don't even think it'll cost that much...)
    Hello Pop. A weird storm came all of the sudden and its raining and a really powerful wind is blowing! The power is breaking all the time but who cares, it rains! I heard that there's snow somewhere in israel, I might go see it!
    Ive been pretty good but teachers have been brutal. How bout u?
    Yep, I have MSN.
    Why don't you PM me your email adress? That way we could talk on MSN and it would be much more convienent.
    Hey Pop remember me? I havent been on in a while
    Okey, I respect you for that.
    I'm really sick! I feel horrible and all I do is watching TV.
    Do you have snow in england right now?
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