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  • Yeah, something like that. I gauss we're just gonna have to meet one day.
    No offense because its my opinion and don't think we are suddenly really different but I don't consider these kind of pop boys band as good music. Its just four guys, with no instruments... Well, everyone and his music.
    Hmm, I don't want you to get upset, do you know any boys who like boys bands? Cause I just don't.
    Oh lord. BOYS SOMETIMES! *Facepalm* I'm talking to fryer and he's peeved and me and simons are peeved at each other...well sort of and its doing my head in!!!!!!
    Some weeks are special and some are just normal ^^
    She said it didn't work, I sent her a picture from the competition and after few seconds I regretted it cause it will blew mystery me. It sounds so stupid :bleh:
    Can you tell me what's on your profile pic?
    Choose any week you want, could be this week, next week, a week three years ago... ;)
    I'm great. I didn't go to school on friday so, it was nice.
    After that I went to a sailing competition with my friends and we did some accidents (not our fault) and our boat crashed on someone's boat and we almost killed him. It was a nice weekend.
    I'm a bit stressed because I got a lot of exams this week and I also have a song to learn on my guitar till monday and I haven't started yet :(
    How was your weekend? And what is going to happen on your week?
    lol, like your pic! okaii, I'll check them out....HE KNOES THE SECRET! lol ;)
    Though he is much more into Zelda than I am.... :)
    Lucky you, you got a favorite day, all I have is least favorite day :(
    I love Hanukkah, they sell those special donuts, I think that they're already selling those. By the way, there're no donuts in israel at all, no one sells donuts here. Plus, there's a week with out school so... Yay!!!
    I guess we can always talk a little every second saturday. I don't want to leave you too, you're a good friend and I would love to stay in touch with you. Still, there are four years till then, who knows what's gonna happen, maybe we'll meet till then. How do people who live so far away can stay in touch?
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