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  • Hey MrMosley, I was wondering how many reputation points it takes to graduate from being an "unknown commodity". If you have a whole list of reputation levels, that would be great. Thanks.
    Hey, Mr. Mosley!

    Can you delete a group I made called "deku rule!"? It's because I've saw a couple of deku-related groups lately...

    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry i just had to comment on your avatar its to good to miss xD a killer kirby x3
    how do i change my username????????????!?!?!?!?!?plz??????!?!?!?

    i was told you are an admin.
    Ah. Thanks for that. Only another 25 to go then.

    {I think the 20 posts & 11 rep were the old requirements. Sorry for being a bother}
    Hello Mr.Mosley. I asked Petman about this already, and he told me to go to you. *getting to the point*

    I know this sounds like a really n00bish question but...

    the last time I visited, I could see the shout-box, but now I can't. As far as I know, I meet all of the requirements. (20 posts, 11 reputation points) Have the requirements changed, or is it to do with my inactivity spell?

    Thanks in advance.

    XD That is a creepy avatar. Even for Kirby. Anyway, could you change my username to Blue Fire? Thanks. ^^
    I have to say that your Avatar is AMAZING!
    I honestly had a good laugh when I saw it today.
    I just want to say, you REALLY earned my respect in the thread where you called out the guy who said OoT's ending wasn't canon.
    Ah, darn it :xd:. Thanks for clearing that up anyways.
    Is the BP Brown skin going to be updated eventually? Ever since the username colors were changed everyone's name (whether they are knights, admins, or normal users) have all been white. I asked Cooldogs about it and he told me to ask you.
    A very legit suggestion for the forums. Would it be too much to have a sub forum in general gaming for general gaming help or help for non-zelda games?
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