Oh yeah? That'd be pretty cool. I've recorded a couple test videos but it's not really going so well haha. It seems like when I finish a video, this thing pops up that looks like it's loading something. It takes forever, like half an hour or so for a 4 minute video. But when it loads, the video I have saved in my folder for it turns into like a web document or something, and I can't access it. The only solution I've found for this is to cancel the loading before it can finish, but it just seems weird that it's doing it in the first place. So I have those videos saved, but I don't know if I'm actually gonna start a Let's Play any time soon what with time and stuff. But if I do, another thing I was wondering is if Camstudio has any kind of editing options you know of to edit videos you already have saved? I have a little bit of experience with video editing and I think it'd be easier to make these if I could do that.