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  • thanks, I like your avatar, skull kid in TP was the first skull kid I knew about. :nod: what's up?
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That ****en music. I always picture hearing that music when that thread appears because that always plays when he's doing stand up.
    That pretty much explains how it went on my end as well. Seems like other people found out before us, funny as that is.

    Yeah, I'm not positive if there're certain additional requirements we're expected to be fulfilling. Though I did a look-through of the HK section and it didn't seem as though we'd need to do anything much different than usual. I think there are certain things in that section that we'll probably be expected to participate in, but other than that, it seems as though we can post as usual.

    Anyway, purple happens to be my favorite color, so that makes me happy for an extra side reason like that. Although I'm still not used to seeing my name in purple...I think it's going to keep startling me for a while, hehe.
    Hey Ariel! We got knighted together! ;D Anyway congrats! Were you expecting it? I'm not sure how it was for you, but it totally took me by surprise when I logged in! XD
    HK basically means that you've been around a while, you make good posts and contribute to discussions, and are basically a respected member of the community.
    That means that you're a member who's contributed a lot to Zelda Dungeon. In case you were asking, HK stands for Hylian Knight. You're kind of the "elite" of the site, for lack of a better word. Is that what you were asking, or were you sarcastic?
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