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  • oh, wow . . . when you said "i'll join" i assumed i forgot to mention that it's "invite Only".

    i'm an idiot sometimes . . .
    It's not really helpful at all to post one-sentence things in threads, especially when it's irrelevent. Saying something like, "I started a thread about that" in a topic that it's bearly related to doesn't help. BTW, I was comparing Twilight Princess' ear to Wind Waker's ear, I said nothing about OoT.

    I'm not trying to be mean, just constructive criticism. I'm trying to help you get more rep, because, you know, who doesn't like rep?
    Ok. I went to boredom thread and saw dark link link ganondorf and zant break dancing, and spiders on drugs. Roflmao
    Later, its a short chapter but the temples will be long. I dont know if any chapters will come tommorow because im going to harry potter d h prt 1 and 2 and wont be back till 3 and i most likly will not be able to wright a good chapter
    ill be shure to read it when it is! :D
    Hey Ammy ( is it ok if i call you that?) can your sage of water have not left, but was taken into the water temple?
    i gotta say i really love your fanfic! i love the story in rise of elizibeth :D
    well i now have my evening reading material ^^
    i might just read that, you have a link to it? ive got so much time to kill tonight and that sounds pretty good ^^
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