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  • What does that mean? :) I will probably post 2 chapters tommorow because i didnt do one today
    Why, it's awsome, it's kinda hard to write on the touch screen though. I'm on my new laptop right now cuz it loads stuff waaaaaaaaaaaaay faster. . .(I'm might post some pictures of my real SwS!)
    Hey, Amaterasu! How are ya? Just wanted to let you know that I posted Chapter Two of Arsenal of Light!

    P.S. You're awesome! :) :) :)
    Just explain why you like them, it is pretty simple after all. One little tweak can save a post ;)
    I do not believe that is the way to think, giving the reason helps explain yourself and why you think that way. It also shows you know what you are talking about. Simple comments like this, "Ocarina of Tyme is teh best gayme evah!!!!!111" can be avoided and made into much more meaningful posts.
    My group is about improving the quality of posts in the forum. Like, making longer posts, making more points why you think something in a thread, etc...
    Please disregard what KyBy was saying he was just trololing my group :P.
    The next chapter is up and Amaterasu learns something. I didnt put her name yet, in the next chapter i will
    Well if he plans on being illiterate then I'm not going to dignify his half-assed question with an answer.

    And chapter 30 is out ;)
    I'm good.

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