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  • C
    nice! do you have any one in particular that's your favorite? :D
    i notice your really into fanfiction, i might have to look as some of yours some time then ^^
    entering that phase where your so tired that you cant sleep?
    haha night time is the best time to kill time and talk and stuff :)
    thats good ^^ you and several people ive talked to on the forums seem to be the most active so i thought if i wanted to jump into this community, better hop on board with you guys :D
    hope you dont mind adding me as a friend :P you seem awesome!
    To answer your questins in my sign ups, first, when adventure of shad is done, And im reading your story
    Oh realy? Hmm, sounds cool, let me check out the characters first and see if there's enough details to draw them. . .
    FYI Ammy, I wont be on 4 2 weeks. U can take care of Kitsune for a little bit while I'm gone. Just to keep the story going. See ya later!
    I'm guessing you don't know a lot about war. A mission is always to follow the orders by the letter. They were going to die anyway, so he killed them all. They would have been killed and the Terrorists live had they not done that.
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