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Between work draining my bran power, and waiting for the new game to drop, I've been trying to be more in the background. Things are looking up, though. My students are (mostly) getting into the rhythm. My after school club has started out strong. My D&D club is recovering after we grew too large for the library, causing an abrupt end to our public game. And, I got another Golden Key Award.

No image for the key award (yet?). I'll wait, and/or design a place holder for the signature image I've been using.
I have been meaning to ask you for a while now, but I kept on forgetting. Anyway, a while back you had something or another on your Twitch Streams, so I was just asking to see if when you normally stream, if you do it normally.
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Reactions: A Link In Time
A Link In Time
A Link In Time
Dang, I should have asked way earlier. I have been missing some great games I see. I will definitely drop by for a bit whenever I have the chance. Thanks for the Twitch link.
Sorry that I keep on missing your streams. I have been trying to catch some but I just got back from something that I had to help out with but I missed your stream again:kawaii:. Other times you are streaming at 1 am in my time. I will try to watch the next one tho.
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