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Zelda's Unbroken Bloodline Is ABSURD

Nov 26, 2017
As others have pointed out, your bloodline has lasted for thousands of years, and so has everyone else's on planet Earth.

In fact, Homo sapiens sapiens, which is our species, have only been on Earth for around 300,000 years, yet we can trace back all of our bloodlines to Africa using DNA.

Methinks that you should study genetics....

Excuse me, but I think the discussion is about the personal bloodline of Zelda herself and familial, rather than a broader phenotype, or even haplogoup. In that case, there is rather an important discussion to be had!

Methinks that you should study genealogy. :)


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Excuse me, but I think the discussion is about the personal bloodline of Zelda herself and familial, rather than a broader phenotype, or even haplogoup. In that case, there is rather an important discussion to be had!

Methinks that you should study genealogy. :)
In which case families can trace their bloodline using genetics. For example, many people in England are descendants of William the Conqueror. Genealogy is strengthened with genetics, mate.
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el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016
Excuse me, but I think the discussion is about the personal bloodline of Zelda herself and familial, rather than a broader phenotype, or even haplogoup. In that case, there is rather an important discussion to be had!

Methinks that you should study genealogy. :)
That's pretty much what he was talking about. The only reason any of us are here including Zelda herself is because each descendant was successful in having a child and continuing to do so for thousands of years
Sep 5, 2020
Your bloodline lasted for several thousand years. Just sayin'.

Not planning to have kids? Your bloodline ends with you. That's how real evolution and genetics work. Maybe try taking a class on it before trying to slam-dunk against the truth and failing.
It's because we all come from an unbroken bloodline of sexual reproduction that makes Zelda's and Link's unbroken "bloodline" in the series so absurd. Every Zelda is forced to give birth to a daughter. Doesn't anyone see the absurdity, improbability, and misogyny in this? What if one of the Zeldas is gay, barren, fails to have a daughter, or just doesn't want to have kids? Hylia's bloodline ends.
If just one Zelda doesn't have a daughter, Hylia's bloodline ends.
And notice how we're all just assuming Skyward Sword Zelda had a daughter, which has never been confirmed.
Nintendo misuses the term "descendant" in certain games, like in-game text calling Sidon "Champion descendant" in Age of Calamity when he is NOT Mipha's descendant. He's her brother. Same thing with Makar in Wind Waker, who's called Fado's "descendant". They're saying that Fado, the biological child, must've had sex with someone and fathered his own child before he died. Gross and insane.
That's what a descendant is, the biological child or grandchild of a true ancestor. Learn evolution.
This poster of this thread is stating the obvious, and it's refreshing, condemning the elephant in the room that most idiots in the fandom like to ignore. Thankfully, there are people who see the truth.

Yeah DarkestLink said it, anyone alive today is from a bloodline that has lasted for thousands of years. That's why it's not so strange for the royal bloodline of Hyrule to still exist even ten millennia after Skyward Sword. I will say it is unnusual for the royal family to still be in power so long as no dynasty has ever lasted 10,000 years, the odds of that happening are slim considering war and power struggles happen on a fairly regular basis. Still even if a coup took place at some point and other rulers were there for a long time the old royal family could have returned to power at a later stage.

See my answer above. It's because we all come from an unbroken bloodline of men and women sexually reproducing that proves the fallacy of Nintendo's current "bloodline" explanation for Zelda (and Link) getting their powers and destinies (also absurd. You are not you ancestors. We inherit physical traits and DNA, nothing else.)
I also like how you bring up the royal family "surviving" throughout all of Zelda's history. It didn't, as shown in Breath of the Wild when the "royal family was destroyed", as said in Creating a Champion. Only BOTW Zelda remains, and she's going have to get down to business and pop a daughter out before she dies in order to continue Hylia's bloodline so we can keep getting games. :rolleyes: Again, the sexism and misogyny, forcing all the Zeldas to be eternal babymakers. And clear fallacy story-wise for the series as anyone with a brain can see.
Why doesn't a Zelda just make the ultimate sacrifice to end the eternal cycle of hatred with Demise and end her own bloodline by not having a kid? And Ganon knows all this but chooses not to end Hylia's bloodline by making a Zelda barren, killing her, or all of her descendants? See the absurdity and problems with Hylia's endless bloodline of eternity keeping the cycle going? This also applies to Link, who's somehow fathering himself, since he also passes on his own soul.
God. :rolleyes:
Nintendo knows this is absurd. They treat it like the Zelda timeline, try to sweep it under the rug and hope real fans who pay attention don't notice. There's not much they can do, with the inconsistent storylines they've trapped themselves into, so I don't hold it against them.
But the ignorance on this thread is astounding. Some people just don't understand--or want to understand--basic evolution and genetics. And accept the obvious truth, that the "eternal and unbroken bloodline" of Hylia and the original Chosen Hero is bullsh*t and misogynistic as hell.
Link and Zelda directly reincarnating, aka, all of them are the same respective Hero and Princess makes far more sense in terms of them looking the same despite eons, having the same personalities, powers, friends who happen to look, act, and be named the same from the ones eternities ago, and all having the same destinies, etc.
Really, isn't this obvious to everyone? :oops: Unfortunately, idiots abound.
But it doesn't change the truth and the ones who know it. :zelda:
Jan 11, 2021
But the ignorance on this thread is astounding. Some people just don't understand--or want to understand--basic evolution and genetics. And accept the obvious truth, that the "eternal and unbroken bloodline" of Hylia and the original Chosen Hero is bullsh*t and misogynistic as hell.
Link and Zelda directly reincarnating, aka, all of them are the same respective Hero and Princess makes far more sense in terms of them looking the same despite eons, having the same personalities, powers, friends who happen to look, act, and be named the same from the ones eternities ago, and all having the same destinies, etc.
Idk about the insanity of this, medieval kings and queens maintained bloodlines for hundred and hundreds of years. I understand that it is very unlikely that a princess like Tetra would have kids (like, just look at her) and so I think it is shocking that there is still a Zelda bloodline in the Adult Timeline. But in the other timelines, I think it makes sense that Zelda is held to the standards of the society she lives in; of the people who expect her to have a daughter (whereas in medieval times, a son was expected). It's actually shown in games like FS, FSA, ST, and TP that Hyrule is a matriarchal society run by Zelda herself, with the caviat that Zelda continues to have girls. I think it's reasonable to say that Zelda continued to have girls or that her male descendants, when having a girl, had the same power the original Goddess reincarnation did.

My only question is where do all these kings keep coming from? In Z1/Z2 lore, ALttP, OoT, TMC, TWW, BotW, it looks like the king is running the show when it should really be Zelda herself who is in charge. This is where the main misogny comes in; that a society built by a bloodline of women continues to put men in charge.

Maybe the ultimate message of Zelda games is that all it takes is one male, power-hungry leader of a desert-dwelling tribe to disrupt the peace for literally thousands of years? Which is ultimately pretty feminist.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
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I think we need to clarify something here, which is that they don't all have to have a daughter, specifically. A son can also continue the royal line by marrying a commoner, and why we see no royal Aunt Zeldas. It's a tradition to name all princess Zelda, but that doesn't mean that there a whole line of 8,000 Zeldas. Whenever there's a princess, it's Zelda. Whenever evil arises, there just so happens to be a Zelda around.

My question is, how exactly do these heredity powers work? Why can't King Daphnes magically seal stuff or have visions? And if it only works for girls, what happens if you broke tradition and named your daughter Leah, would she be powerless? The implication is that before Zelda 2, there were princesses with other names. I mean it could just be a weird coincidence, or maybe i'm over thinking this, but it honestly doesn't make sense to me.

And on a third note, I don't think the whole "Let's just kill the royal family and end the cycle!" plan would ever actually work. It's a curse, a never ending cycle. Kind of like predestination, nothing they can do would ever stop it. Fate just doesn't like them very much
Feb 25, 2021
They probably didn’t take biological factors into account, as it’s they likely didn’t want to overcomplicate matters.

The blood line would come from the mother of a mother of a mother, and so on, in other words, a line completely composed of females.
Oct 10, 2017
And we're also supposed to believe that every single Zelda has had at least one daughter?

Here, it seems you have started to answer your own question. Who says that the unbroken line has to be one track of single daughters? In our own world, cousins constantly take a throne. We really don't see much about the extended royal family, so it's hard to say.

It can only be passed down from mother to daughter.

According to who? If it were that simple, the princess would not have to go through the rituals, at the springs, in Breath of the Wild. These rituals, by the way, are what I would point at to explain the long lasting goddess connection. Firstly, the rituals could be a booster, bringing the connection back up to par with each one that completes them. That could explain why we don't see them early on, but they are so important later. Secondly, if a ritual is what identifies the line of succession, the family on the throne may just adopt the distant cousin who completed the right. Anyone who looks into royal families, through our own history, knows they are a tangled mess, and having a "direct line" is like drawing a target around shotgun rounds, and calling it a bullseye.
Sep 5, 2020
Even if Hylia's bloodline power can be passed down by men and only manifests in women, the bloodline explanation to explain the Zeldas' powers is still utter bull****. Nintendo says Hylia is supposed to be Mitochondrial Eve to the Hylians, the maternal ancestor of Hyrule's entire Hylian population. (Which is BS since Hylians already existed before Hylia's first mortal incarnation was born in Skyward Sword). ALL of the Hylians in BOTW should have Hylia's blood. Yet only the Royal Family gets special powers because of it?
Why don't all Hylian women have Hylia's sacred sealing power if they all share her bloodline?
It has to be a princess? Skyward Sword Zelda wasn't a princess. Wouldn't a normal girl be far closer to what Hylia was than a royal princess? And why get someone as close to what Hylia was in the first place to have her use Hylia's power, get Hylia's mortal name, share Hylia's looks, core personality, etc? Seriously. :rolleyes:
Hylia directly reincarnating as Zelda makes far more sense.
Nintendo contradicts themselves, saying the Zeldas are descendants of eachother yet treating them like they're all the same person. They seem to think women clone themselves, that just because a Zelda has a daughter, and said daughter gets the same name, shares some genes, and puts on a dress, it means they're the same fabled princess alongside the eternal Spirit of the Hero. Gross.
Creating a Champion
calls Zelda the "goddess reborn" and one of Calamity Ganon's "ancient enemies". She's the same Zelda Ganon has fought since the beginning of time, when they were Hylia and Demise. "Blood of the goddess" was taken out of context to mean blood descent when it meant a divine being becoming flesh and blood, aka Demise calling Zelda "a bag of flesh" in Skyward Sword who's magnificence paled in comparison to her previous goddess form. He was cursing both her and Link directly when he said "spirit of the hero" and "blood of the goddess", that they'd always be followed by an incarnation of his hatred, aka Ganondorf.
Nintendo doesn't really care about story, they've said this many times in interviews, that gameplay comes first, that's why we get grotesque stuff like Link and Zelda only being able to reincarnate in their blood grandchildren for some insane reason when they can just reincarnate in very, very distant cousins (we're all related if we go back far enough, which is why the "bloodline" nonsense explaining the multiple Links and Zeldas from prehistoric ages to BOTW is such blatant offensive BS).
And do people really believe the Kokiri, a tribe of eternal children, are really the ancestors of the Koroks? Do people in the Zelda fandom even know what ancestor means? Or what a descendant really is?
By the way, the Japanese word for ancestor--sosen--can also mean former self. There are mistranslations and lost context going on in some English text of the Zelda franchise.
Nintendo makes mistakes, like how they misspelled "descendent" in Hyrule Historia a couple times regarding TP Link being descended from OOT Link. I'm supposed to take them seriously on these topics when they don't even know how to spell "descendant" in the proper context?
And they don't really care too much about it, proven in how much they change origin stories and "canonical" facts, like the Rito and Zora existing side by side in BOTW. How canon is something if its own canon contradicts it? Sometimes you have to use your brain and figure things out for yourself.
Zelda is always Hylia reincarnate, just as Link is always the same chosen hero since Skyward Sword's backstory.
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Sep 5, 2020
As others have pointed out, your bloodline has lasted for thousands of years, and so has everyone else's on planet Earth.

In fact, Homo sapiens sapiens, which is our species, have only been on Earth for around 300,000 years, yet we can trace back all of our bloodlines to Africa using DNA.

Methinks that you should study genetics....
Just have to reply to this because it's so ****ing stupid--and demonstrates the sheer ignorance of what I'm taking about, morons like this having no clue how genetics and ancestry work yet thinking that they do. You do know that we're talking about Hylia's bloodline, right? And not the bloodline of Hyrule's entire world? Speaking of that though, the Hyrule Encyclopedia also states Hylia is the ancestor of all Hylians. Which proves Hylia's bloodline only being kept in the Royal Family is complete bull****.
That's pretty much what he was talking about. The only reason any of us are here including Zelda herself is because each descendant was successful in having a child and continuing to do so for thousands of years
No, it's because SS Zelda's descendants were "successful" at having kids. Again, it's a forced bloodline that must keep going on for eternity. Most people in Great Britain are descendants of the British Royal Family. We only have to go back 20 generations to find a common ancestor in a population. There's no way Hyrule's royal family would be able to keep their Hylia bloodline "pure" (no such thing as pure blood) without some serious inbreeding, forced birth, and killing off of commoners with Hylia's blood.
Zelda is always the only known living female in the royal family with only one exception (AoL, where there were two Zeldas.). Hylia's unbroken bloodline depends entirely on her continuing to give birth, her descendants giving birth, their descendants giving birth, ad nauseum until she's reborn again and inherits her own blood. Again, the stupidity of this is beyond belief. Why can't Zelda just be born with the blood of the goddess and its inherit powers like she was in Skyward Sword? Oh wait, Creating A Champion does say she was born with the blood of the goddess.
"How far would it go in pursuit of its ancient enemies, the one with the soul of the hero and she who was born with the blood of the goddess?" Creating a Champion, pg 381 on Calamity Ganon
Again, Nintendo took Demise's "blood of the goddess" curse out of context, linking it to bloodline when he was cursing Zelda/Hylia directly. And these are the kinds of results we get, Zelda being forced to give birth to/grandmother herself for all eternity (remember, BOTW Zelda is the only living Hylia descendant left).
I just can't get behind Zelda's reincarnation being dependent on her being her own ancestor. It's beyond stupid and creates massive plotholes and damage to the series (Link's relationship with "Zelda" isn't personal and real. She's just a string of descendants from Hylia. Why doesn't the Royal Family end Hylia's bloodline to break Demise's curse? All those times Ganondorf didn't kill Zelda while being aware of the cycle in Wind Waker and Twilight Princess? So many things don't make sense if Zelda is not Hylia's soul reincarnating.)
Sep 5, 2020
In which case families can trace their bloodline using genetics. For example, many people in England are descendants of William the Conqueror. Genealogy is strengthened with genetics, mate.
You do realize you just disproved Hylia's bloodline only being in the Royal Family, do you? That ancestry disperses shared blood among the population like wildfire, which proves the fallacy of Hylia's bloodline giving the royal family powers? Of course you don't, you think everyone in the entire world shares the exact same ancestors.
By the way, honey, blood is strongest when its genetically diverse. That's why you, me, and most everyone else in the world are fine because our bloodline of ancestry doesn't consist of severe inbreeding going back tens of thousands, possibly millions (implied in BOTW) of years, which is what you and many of the uneducated people here seem to think. Just take a look at Zelda and King Rhoam: they look fine, are strong and healthy; severe inbreeding wasn't a part of their ancestry. Blood is weak and becomes diseased when continuously bred in the same gene pool. That's genetics and genealogy, mate. :)
Oh, and a man dispersing his trillions of sperm to create countless numbers of descendants isn't the same as a woman being forced to give birth for an eternity. Apparently you know don't how sex differences in reproduction work either.

Excuse me, but I think the discussion is about the personal bloodline of Zelda herself and familial, rather than a broader phenotype, or even haplogoup. In that case, there is rather an important discussion to be had!

Methinks that you should study genealogy. :)

THANK YOU, Lilith2, it's so awesome and reassuring to know that some people know how genetics and ancestry work, and the very real and serious discussions we should be having about Nintendo's current "bloodline" theory about Zelda cloning herself. It's BS, and I can't wait until Nintendo sees the folly of it. Either way, I'll never get behind it. Legend of Zelda <-- is about reincarnation of its main character, his goddess princess, and the ancient evil they are eternally destined to fight against. So much deeper and more epic that way. :) :zelda::cucco:
Jan 11, 2021
Just have to reply to this because it's so ****ing stupid--and demonstrates the sheer ignorance of what I'm taking about, morons like this having no clue how genetics and ancestry work yet thinking that they do. You do know that we're talking about Hylia's bloodline, right? And not the bloodline of Hyrule's entire world? Speaking of that though, the Hyrule Encyclopedia also states Hylia is the ancestor of all Hylians. Which proves Hylia's bloodline only being kept in the Royal Family is complete bull****.

Hylia, a goddess, reincarnated herself as SS Zelda. Just the one person. That is the only person who has the blood of the goddess Hylia. She is the ancestor. That Zelda has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. We're ~320 years into the future from SS Zelda, and yet we still have Hylia's blood in the bloodline. To your second point:

Screen Shot 2021-04-30 at 4.27.25 PM.png
"Eternally reborn." Not reincarnated. Reborn. Born again. Renaissance. I'm taking it literally, sue me. If you have the specific quote in the Encyclopedia, please let me know because I cannot find it.

There's no way Hyrule's royal family would be able to keep their Hylia bloodline "pure" (no such thing as pure blood) without some serious inbreeding, forced birth, and killing off of commoners with Hylia's blood.
This is a good point.

I just can't get behind Zelda's reincarnation being dependent on her being her own ancestor. It's beyond stupid and creates massive plotholes and damage to the series (Link's relationship with "Zelda" isn't personal and real. She's just a string of descendants from Hylia. Why doesn't the Royal Family end Hylia's bloodline to break Demise's curse? All those times Ganondorf didn't kill Zelda while being aware of the cycle in Wind Waker and Twilight Princess? So many things don't make sense if Zelda is not Hylia's soul reincarnating.)
"She's just a string of descendants from Hylia.".

..We all are....fill in the blank from Hylia. Adam and Eve? LUCA, the Last Universal Common Ancestor? The primordial atoms that smashed the Earth together? Whatever it is, you are an unbroken chain of continual creation, and the expectation that Zelda, a princess, would not have children is absurd. Maybe it's Hylia's soul's will that Zelda continues to live and have kids and Ganondorf doesn't kill her.

Also, the idea of the Royal Family ending itself just to stop Demise is ridiculous.

Oh, and a man dispersing his trillions of sperm to create countless numbers of descendants isn't the same as a woman being forced to give birth for an eternity. Apparently you know don't how sex differences in reproduction work either.
Um, y--yes it is. Childbirth. We've been doing it for literally ever. Men eternally sperm and women eternally egg. It's...it's our thing. Like, the only practical point of life. Is to keep doing that. So we don't all die. Men do shoot their seed around in more people, that's a sex difference. But considering this is a matriarchal bloodline, it shouldn't be a problem.

it's so awesome and reassuring to know that some people know how genetics and ancestry work, and the very real and serious discussions we should be having about Nintendo's current "bloodline" theory about Zelda cloning herself. It's BS, and I can't wait until Nintendo sees the folly of it. Either way, I'll never get behind it. Legend of Zelda <-- is about reincarnation of its main character, his goddess princess, and the ancient evil they are eternally destined to fight against. So much deeper and more epic that way.
She isn't cloning herself, she's having kids. Like, she doesn't look the same in different incarnations, other than being white and a girl.

Legend of Zelda is about the spirit of a long-deceased hero eternally bound to a family line of Goddess-descended women who are cursed by the ancient evil they are eternally destined to fight against. It's...basically the same, except it's a matriarchy, not a soul reincarnate.
Sep 5, 2020
According to who? If it were that simple, the princess would not have to go through the rituals, at the springs, in Breath of the Wild. These rituals, by the way, are what I would point at to explain the long lasting goddess connection. Anyone who looks into royal families, through our own history, knows they are a tangled mess, and having a "direct line" is like drawing a target around shotgun rounds, and calling it a bullseye.
You think Zelda is getting Hylia's blood from both her maternal and paternal line, that King Rhoam and his queen were brother and sister? Again, this is exactly what I mean by some people not understanding how genetics work. Only severe inbreeding over countless millennia would have both the queen and king of Hyrule carrying Hylia's royal family-restricted blood, which we know isn't true because Zelda and King Rhoam aren't a disfigured mess. That's what happens when inbreeding goes on for countless generations.
It's literally said in the game and in Creating A Champion that only women have Hylia's sacred power. That only women pass on the power and learn from each other. That's the whole reason Zelda couldn't awaken her power, because her mother died before she could teach her--not her father or any other male relative. It's a woman-only gene passed on in a woman-only line--the maternal line. Cementing the forced baby-making on every single Zelda's part since SS Zelda.
Maz Koshia further confirms this when he says Zelda is the "heir to the bloodline of the goddess" and that he wants to challenge the "bloodline of the goddess" in AoC. He mentions nothing about Hylia when speaking to King Rhoam. Zelda's Hylia bloodline is a direct matrilineal line. This could only happen if every single Zelda since Skyward Sword Zelda had a daughter.

Wow you seem pretty enthusiastic about this singular topic
Damn straight, Zelda's my favorite character. ;) :zelda:Of course I'm going to passionately debunk the BS that's she's being forced to give birth to herself, which is what it means for her eternal reincarnation to be tied to her bloodline of descent. Not my fault if ignorant snowflakes on the internet get triggered because I'm pointing out the truth. I guess I'm not allowed to post passionately about topics that overly-fragile people want to ignore? :whistle: If you can't successfully defend a theory it's false.
And isn't discussing things like this what the Zelda theory thread is for? Why don't you and the fragile people who liked your reply comment about my passion in other threads? Oh, because dissecting this one particular topic pertaining to Zelda's reproductive freedom makes you uncomfortable.


Hylia, a goddess, reincarnated herself as SS Zelda. Just the one person. That is the only person who has the blood of the goddess Hylia. She is the ancestor. That Zelda has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. That kid has a kid. We're ~320 years into the future from SS Zelda, and yet we still have Hylia's blood in the bloodline.

Hylia went on to have a kid even though she knew Demise cursed her bloodline for eternity.
Isn't she supposed to be the all-wise, all-knowing goddess of Hyrule who could've foreseen this, just as she foresaw Demise's revival and shed her divinity to stop him? Maybe she didn't have a kid, or the kid changed nothing about the cycle, because Demise wasn't cursing Hylia's unborn descendants all the way to the end of time (assuming SS Zelda even had children and that her bloodline of descent would last forever) but was actually cursing Hylia herself, just as he was cursing Link--that anyone who had the blood of the goddess, ie, was the goddess, would be stuck to his curse forever! What a novel idea to explain the origins of Link, Zelda, and Ganon reincarnating, especially in the game all about origins, story-telling, and reincarnation!

Zelda can only reincarnate in one of her blood granddaughters! And some people actually support this insane and misogynistic idea, essentially forcing Zelda to be the sole producer of her own bloodline, in charge of both her own ancestry and eternal bloodline of descent. Really, do people like you even know what a descendant is? It's not a sister, brother, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or cousin; it's a grandchild! God. :rolleyes:
And what a happy coincidence that every single Zelda just happens to look like her great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great-grandmother! And that all future Zeldas will also look and act most exactly like Hylia, even having the same unbreakable relationship with their Hero! Let's not forget that they will each also have their own Impa, who somehow looks and acts almost exactly like her ancestors! But no, reincarnation is NOT what's going on. :anger3d::lol:
You're also apparently unaware that Hylia's bloodline only exists in the royal family, even though it's literally the topic of the thread. Hylia's bloodline can't be passed down among the common people, since only the royal family is supposed to have it. Really, did you even read my entire post debunking that? If Hyrule's entire population has Hylia's blood then the royal family is not getting their powers from it.

Hylia, a goddess, reincarnated herself as SS Zelda. Just the one person. That is the only person who has the blood of the goddess Hylia.

Skyward Sword Zelda isn't the only one who has the blood of the goddess. All other Princess Zeldas do because they are one and the same, Hylia being eternally reborn, as said in Hyrule Encyclopedia. The wording can be taken out of context but it's essentially like the "blood of Christ", a poetic, more religious way of saying a divine being became flesh and blood. The original meaning of "blood of the goddess" wasn't familial; it was pertaining to Hylia herself.
They do say "soul of the goddess" too in Skyward Sword and more briefly in Breath of the Wild, such as in Kass's song:

"The kingdom of Hyrule is a vast and storied land,
Oft grasped in the palm of a villainous hand.

A dark force of destruction, many times undone,
Rises once again–Ganon, the calamitous one.

But hope survives in Hyrule, for all is not lost,
Two brave souls protect it, no matter the cost.

A goddess-blood princess and a fearless knight,

They appear in each age to fight the good fight.

Their battle with Ganon I've committed to song,
To keep it through time, no matter how long."

Again, it's "a goddess-blood princess" and "a fearless knight", not "goddess-blood princesses" and "fearless knights". Kass is talking about two individuals reincarnating throughout time.

To your second point:


"Eternally reborn." Not reincarnated. Reborn. Born again. Renaissance. I'm taking it literally, sue me. If you have the specific quote in the Encyclopedia, please let me know because I cannot find it.
Thank you for posting this screenshot!
It literally says Hylia is being eternally reborn, and is living among her kingdom as a Hylian. Hmm, I wonder who that goddess-blooded Hylian is? :whistle:
I don't get what's so hard to understand about the text. If it's saying Hylia's being reborn as a Hylian, she's being reborn as a Hylian. "Reborn" is a synonym of "reincarnated".

"She's just a string of descendants from Hylia.".

..We all are....fill in the blank from Hylia. Adam and Eve? LUCA, the Last Universal Common Ancestor? The primordial atoms that smashed the Earth together? Whatever it is, you are an unbroken chain of continual creation, and the expectation that Zelda, a princess, would not have children is absurd. Maybe it's Hylia's soul's will that Zelda continues to live and have kids and Ganondorf doesn't kill her.

No, the idea of Zelda being the sole producer of her own bloodline of ancestry and eternal bloodline of descent is absurd. Because that's what it means if only the royal family has Hylia's blood, only its women can inherit it, and only a Zelda is ever the sole living female of the family.
You and I don't have the same ancestors, and neither does every single Zelda. We're talking about Hylia's bloodline of descent, not the bloodline of ancestry of the entire human race. Every single Zelda needs to give birth to continue Hylia's unbroken bloodline of descent. That's what I'm criticizing, because it's wrong. Zelda should have children because she wants to, not because she needs to eternally continue her bloodline. You seriously think every single woman in existence wants to have a kid? Or get with someone they don't love just for the sake of continuing a bloodline? Because according to Hylia's unbroken bloodline, not a single Zelda ever got with a Link and had kids, or else their offspring would be brother and sister. Another reason I despise the unbroken bloodline theory.
Expecting every single reincarnation of Zelda to have children for the rest of eternity is gross and absurd.
Your last point proves mine. What if Ganondorf kills Zelda, or Zelda dies before having children? END OF HYLIA'S BLOODLINE! That's all it will take to end Hylia's bloodline if Zelda is only ever the sole living bearer of Hylia's blood, as is the case in every single game. Many people are theorizing if Zelda will die in BOTW 2, completely unaware what that would mean because most people know the bloodline theory is bull****.

Also, the idea of the Royal Family ending itself just to stop Demise is ridiculous.
Believing the Royal Family will end by sacrificing its main curse is what's ridiculous. Another family can just take over, someone without Hylia's blood. Or do people really believe every single member of the Royal Family is a descendant of Hylia? Ignoring the horror of what that really means and pure fallacy of it? Any Hyrulean can take over the line; just look at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle of the British royal family. There are many successors to a throne, and people who will marry into them.
The only explanation why the Royal Family won't end Hylia's bloodline is that they know Demise's curse isn't tied to it, that's it's tied to Hylia herself who's eternally reborn among them.

Um, y--yes it is. Childbirth. We've been doing it for literally ever. Men eternally sperm and women eternally egg. It's...it's our thing. Like, the only practical point of life. Is to keep doing that. So we don't all die. Men do shoot their seed around in more people, that's a sex difference. But considering this is a matriarchal bloodline, it shouldn't be a problem.

You still can't wrap it around your head that we're talking about Hylia's bloodline and not the bloodline of all living creation. Your mother, grandmother, her grandmother, her grandmother, ad nauseum since the beginning of time weren't forced to continue a goddess's bloodline in order to have you, so of course someone like you doesn't understand nor care about the misogyny, sexism, and pure absurdity in Hylia's unbroken bloodline of descent. And you yourself won't be forced or expected to continue a bloodline, nor expect your children to continue your bloodline ad nauseum until the end of time. Your ignorance and complete lack of empathy on these topics pertaining to a woman's sexual reproduction and freedom is truly disgusting.
Anyway, what do I expect from ignorant trolls on the internet? :shrugs: Especially ones who think they know about genetics but can't tell the difference between their own bloodline and the rest of all living creation's.
A woman doesn't "want" to have children if she's only doing it to continue a bloodline that must go on for all eternity.

She isn't cloning herself, she's having kids. Like, she doesn't look the same in different incarnations, other than being white and a girl.

Legend of Zelda is about the spirit of a long-deceased hero eternally bound to a family line of Goddess-descended women who are cursed by the ancient evil they are eternally destined to fight against. It's...basically the same, except it's a matriarchy, not a soul reincarnate.

No, she's cloning herself, if she wasn't she wouldn't need to inherit her own blood just to be Zelda. Link is the same Hero being reincarnated since Skyward Sword, while all Zeldas are just descendants of Hylia who all just happen to share her mortal name, looks, and personality. If that's not cloning I don't know what is. AoL literally has two Zeldas who have the exact same design and affection for Link. Nintendo thinks being a blood descendant of the goddess makes you the goddess, which is gross beyond belief.
Legend of Zelda is about reincarnation, whether you like it or not. It's the origin story in Skyward Sword, and the basis of Demise's cycle. Link, the legendary hero was chosen by his goddess Hylia to defeat an ancient evil. The series is about the Hero, that goddess, and that ancient evil continually reincarnating in a never-ending cycle, aka the eternal clash between Link, Zelda, and Ganon. Do you even play the games in the series?
Phew, I know this was long. But it needed to be pointed out. Anyway, I don't actually believe the bloodline theory or that Zelda is locked in an eternal birthing of herself, because duh. :rolleyes: It's insane and proven wrong by logic and Nintendo themselves believing Zelda is the same person in every game, as in interviews, advertising, merchandise, and media, etc. and the way the character is treated. Like I said, it's only a matter of time before Nintendo drops the "bloodline" theory BS once more people become educated about science and women's rights. Either way, it's BS.
Okay, thanks everyone for bearing with me! /End post./ :)
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Oct 10, 2017
Zelda can only reincarnate in one of her blood granddaughters! And some people actually support this insane and misogynistic idea, essentially forcing Zelda to be the sole producer of her own bloodline, in charge of both her own ancestry and eternal bloodline of descent.
This, and many other points you bring up, are why I think the Hylian royal bloodline works more like real royal bloodlines. They may draw the lines as straight as possible, for the common folk, but it's really a tangled mess. When someone marries a peasant, they magically have some tie to royalty, that was just forgotten. For the sake of maintaining power, it makes sense that the royal family would draw as strong of a connection to the goddess as possible. As far as every female along this line being the incarnation of the goddess, again, look at our own history. Every king of Egypt was the living incarnation of their chief god, and would become one whith all other past incarnations upon death.

I don't mind the idea that Hylia would have the ability to incarnate into multiple women at the same time, or the royal family adopting anyone that would maintain their narrative.

I never thought the Skyward Sword Zelda was the literal mother of all Hyrulians. There are way to many existing people. The mother of a kingdom, sure, as a whole, but not literally. As for all/most Zeldas looking the same/similar, perhaps it is like a gene, on the x chromosome. If so, we go back to the idea that the family maintaining a narrative comes back in. It would be easy for such a family to find ways to bring this girl into the family, and say that she is a direct descendant. Of course, many of the kings look similar, as well, particularly in Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild.

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