You are banned cause I still want a tawny and a blue owl primary feather cause tawny is Barn Owl and blue is Barn Owl from Jouzhenkyn, which is an owl kingdom where all the owls are blue but still have markings in different shades of blue that distinguish species. And also cause if you knew my younger brothers then you would agree with me that they give u super bad worse-than-migrane headaches and how can you be on ZD if you have a migrane cause migraines are supposed to make it hurt to even to think, let alone look at a screen long enough to post something. And also cause I still want the feathers and also cause my iPod won't stop telling me that I have 20% battery left and also cause I still want the feathers and also cause I still want the feathers and also cause I still want the feathers and also cause I still want the feathers and also cause I still want the feathers and also cause I still want the feathers and also cause I have nothing else to do but keep saying "and also cause I still want the feathers" but I hope I said it enough so that you know that I want the feathers. And also cause I still want the feathers.