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Your anger

How would you rate your anger?

  • Even the Devil himself would be jealous

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • I can lose my temper quite often

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Once in while

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • What is anger? The latest Papa John Pizza?

    Votes: 2 8.0%

  • Total voters

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I'm honestly one of the most chill people you will, or possibly the most chill person, that you will ever meet. I rarely, if ever, get angry. In all honesty, one of the things I hate about myself is my inability to get really angry. I mean, ya, people say **** that pisses me off, and I might get a bit mouthy, but I never truly get angry at... well, anything. If I'm mad about something, I make it quite clear, but I can never stay mad. There have been times when I've left the room because I was mad, then walked back in 5 minutes later as cheerful as ever and back into a laughy mood. It's a bit annoying actually.
May 4, 2014
I'm honestly one of the most chill people you will, or possibly the most chill person, that you will ever meet. I rarely, if ever, get angry. In all honesty, one of the things I hate about myself is my inability to get really angry. I mean, ya, people say **** that pisses me off, and I might get a bit mouthy, but I never truly get angry at... well, anything. If I'm mad about something, I make it quite clear, but I can never stay mad. There have been times when I've left the room because I was mad, then walked back in 5 minutes later as cheerful as ever and back into a laughy mood. It's a bit annoying actually.

Wish I was that chill. I'd save myself soooo much trouble.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
I used to be very angry when I was younger. The breaking things kind of angry. But I am beyond that now. Not that it simply just happened. It took years of work at it to tone it down, to reign it in. I can get passionate sometimes, as some people have noticed, but that's not anger. Very few people here have seen me truly angry. You'd know it when I am though, it's very different from when I'm just being passionate about something. But I don't let myself get angry about trivialities anymore. Things that are not really an issue. If I'm ever really angry now, it's for a very, very good reason. Even at my worst though I never would hurt anyone except in self defense if it was necessary. I would never lash out in anger. Years of self-induced mental conditioning that I wanted prevents it from going that far even if I wanted it to now. Which I suppose is a good thing, that was the whole point in trying to train myself and my mind into reigning in those feelings. Could say I've taken a bit of initiative from the Vulcans.
Nov 17, 2014
There have been times when I've left the room because I was mad, then walked back in 5 minutes later as cheerful as ever and back into a laughy mood. It's a bit annoying actually

Yeah... I'm kind of the same way. It's hard to stay mad at your brother when you forget that you're upset, or get tired of being mad.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
My best friend in high school called me "The most chill guy he knew that didn't smoke weed". That's still generally true, all eight months later. I'm a really chill guy, and I rarely get angry.
Jan 29, 2016
I'm pretty relaxed, so I don't get angry or swear very often. When I do get angry, I'm quite furious, and it surprises those who know me well.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
My best friend in high school called me "The most chill guy he knew that didn't smoke weed". That's still generally true, all eight months later. I'm a really chill guy, and I rarely get angry.

Is it only generally true because you smoke a bit of ganja now? Or because you've been angry a few times?
Nov 14, 2015
Last time I was genuinely angry I broke a controller and threw a drumstick clear through a wall, covered it up and still haven't told my parents.


May 18, 2013
I'm honestly one of the most chill people you will, or possibly the most chill person, that you will ever meet. I rarely, if ever, get angry. In all honesty, one of the things I hate about myself is my inability to get really angry. I mean, ya, people say **** that pisses me off, and I might get a bit mouthy, but I never truly get angry at... well, anything. If I'm mad about something, I make it quite clear, but I can never stay mad. There have been times when I've left the room because I was mad, then walked back in 5 minutes later as cheerful as ever and back into a laughy mood. It's a bit annoying actually.
Are you me????

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