I love the art style too. It's a wonderful mix between Twilight Princess and Wind Waker. It's not so dark like TP but isn't as bright as WW. Great balance.
The style of Skyward Sword stands on its own which I think is really special. Although people tend to say that its a blend between Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess, I think it is its own style. Everything about it kind of looks like a painting and its a style that we've never seen in a zelda game before. Also, the style just adds one more unique element that will separate Skyward Sword from the other Zelda titles. This game could JUST surpass Ocarina of Time....Just maybe....
I love the art style of this game too. it looks soo much like a painting. just soo beautiful. and i love the concept of Link being up in the clouds and getting to ride on birds
I've added SS and LEGO HP years 5-7 to my 2011 Christmas list.
ya, i can't stress enough how amazing these graphics are. when i first saw zelda i was like NO, why does she look like that but knowing she's not a princess, yet, im ok with how she looks. it never had anything to do with the graphics, just how she looked.