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Would You Wait Til' 2012?


Quid est veritas, Claudia
Feb 9, 2010
Oh, wow, I never thought of that. You know, it's possible, considering how far back PH and TP kept being pushed, but I don't think it would be pushed back a whole 365 days. Would I wait? If I needed to wait for a year for something that could pass Majora's Mask?! I would totally wait for it!

Phantom Zelda

Mostly Harmless
May 25, 2010
East Clock Town
Well I don't see how we really would have a choice...if its delayed we have to wait but yes I would wait (but not happily). But anyway they're aiming for an early 2011 release which I was expecting so its ok :)


No, I would not want to wait. I don't see a reason why it would ever need to pushed back to 2012. The game is basically done except for the graphics and it's still several months away from being released. It's been so long (at least it seems so long) since TP was released. I'm not a big fan of the hand-held Zelda games, so these waits for the games released on the major consoles always seem much longer for me. Like someone else said, I would rather play a really good Zelda game in 2011 than wait for an excellent/epic game in 2012.
May 25, 2008
In my house
None of you would probably want to wait, but you sure would wait, if you were forced too.

I would wait for it sure. I've waited what? 5 years now since Twilight Princess came out way back in 2006. Another two years is nothing compared to that, and most days, Skyward Sword isn't even on my mind. With me at least, it's all about the hype that you build up, people start talking about it more, you build the hype, you get more excited about it. But a strange thing happens, that, as long as people don't talk about it, we don't worry about it, we don't think about it, we move on to bigger and and better things.

That's where I am right now. I can wait.


or khan he?
Jul 9, 2010
As saintly as some people can be about waiting for 2012 instead of 2011, I just can't exercise that kind of patience for a console Zelda game. Like some others have said, the handheld games really don't do it for me, and since I grew up with my first zelda game being OoT, the 2D ones are hard for me to find as enthralling as the 3D console ones they've brought out. With pretty much all the console games under my belt, I couldn't really find myself waiting, at least in a very sane mood, an extra year. Even if it was the most epic excellent game ever. (Besides, if it was perfect then wtf would future Zelda games turn out to be? Our standard would go so high it might just hurt Zelda overall.)
Jan 28, 2010
Well, I`m not gonna NOT get the game if its delayed, so I have no choice as to whether I can wait or not. I`d rather not though lol.

But seriously, I thought the beta stuff in Twilight Princess was killer awesome, and them delaying it, just messed around with it and got rid of cool stuff. I think the could have released Twilight princess a year and a half earlier on Gamecube, not wasting their time on the lighting effects and Wii port, keeping the beta stuff and it would have been amazing. Then we`d also get this new Zelda game a year and a half earlier lol.

I just hope they don't temper with it so much they get bored of the good stuff they already created, and then throw it out for something new and fresh to THEM before release, but not as good as their initial ideas.


Music to last through the ages
Jul 5, 2010
Las Vegas
The only problem I have with waiting is that...in my opinion, Zelda fans are a very special breed of people. I know I sound like a horrible person for saying this but...well...lets just say CoD fans aren't in my group of friends. Not because of the game they play, but because of THEM in general. (That sounds awful.) ANYWAY, the point I'm trying to make is I like Zelda fans. I think they're awsome. Almost every REAL Zelda fan I've met has been smart, and clever, and funny, ect...where, CoD and Halo fans...ermm...

But, that's just me. Yes, I want an amazing game, but I don't want it to be such a big deal that Zelda becomes likable for everyone. There has to be a goal to reach, and...as messed up as it is, I don't want Halo fans making an impact on my Zelda games.

Link's doing JUST FINE with the Master Sword. He doesn't need a machine gun. -.-


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
...I'm a hardcore Call of Duty fan that got a Wii for Mario and Zelda.

Anyway, I would wait until 2012 if it meant getting the best game in the history of games that would always be the best game ever. Who wouldn't? It's not that long of a wait, you'd always have other stuff to hold you over. The real question is:

Would you wait until 2012 for the new Zelda if it meant getting the most amazing epic game of all time, at the risk of having all other video games removed from existence?

Answer this.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Sorry Kybyrian...I ment no offence.

Don't worry about it, I honestly didn't even read your post when I replied to this thread. I was just referring to the first post.

Btw, just because most people who play games like Call of Duty and Halo are generally stuck-up and think they're better than everybody, have to cuss you out every 2 minutes, are 8-12 years old and have bad parents, doesn't mean that there aren't good Call of Duty fans who also enjoy other series like The Legend of Zelda and Mario.

Zelda is a great series, and there are a lot of people who like it, and that doesn't mean that they can't like other games.

If a Zelda game was good enough, I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy it. People who are fans of other games, GTA, CoD, Halo, whatever, would play it. Not all fans of other games are bad. :) If we had the most epic, awesome game ever from this Zelda game, I guarantee you a lot of people would be from Call of Duty and Halo to play it.
Jul 9, 2010
Zora Hall
No. Waiting is enough as it is. I'd rather have the non-graphic enhanced game immediately before everyone else.

1) so i could play it before anybody
2) i can spoil it for everybody
3) so i can rub it all in their faces that i have it and they don't

Ya, it's a jerky thing to do, but it's something anyone would do. The game would be my prized possession. (until the better one comes out in 2011, or in this case 2012) Heck, i'd like case the thing, have it all polished, make it look squeaky clean. If I could order more of them, I would make a fortune.


Ask Me Why I Love The Photoshops
Jan 30, 2010
I'd rather have a better game that had time put into it to make is fantastic, than to have game that was rushed and little effort was put into it. So, yes, I would wait for 2012 if it was pushed until that point.


must read before he posts
Apr 8, 2010
I'm on your wish list
Like everyone else I would rather have it pushed back for a better game. A big reason why is because when I heard that they integrated Wii Motion Plus after Wii Sports Resort, it just didn't feel like enough time to integrate it well. I'm probably wrong though, because Nintendo can do amazing stuff like that.

Also, I agree with you FlatxSharp about the CoD and Halo fans, but that's probably because I'm 13 and people I know are like that. No offense to you though, Kybyrian.


Watch out!
Mar 15, 2010
Kirby's stomach
1. Yes I would wait, I wouldn't like it but I'd wait.
2. What choice do I have? I can't make them release the game.
3. They said early 2011 and I believe them. It'll probably be epic even without waiting a year.

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