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Would You Like to See Voice Acting in a Zelda Game?


Hero of Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lake Hylia, Hyrule
I don't know if there is already a thread like this, but if there is I haven't seen or heard about it.

Anyway, all Zelda games have had their characters talk text-style. I don't really have a problem with this (and never have before), but considering how far technology has come in gaming (SWTOR anyone?) I think it would be pretty neat to see some voice acting in a Zelda game.

Would I be majorly crushed if they never include voice acting? Not at all. I think not having voice acting has kind of been a trademark LoZ thing (just like the fact that Link never talks). Would it bother me if they included voice acting in the next Zelda? Not at all; it'd be a cool change I think.

What are your thoughts?
Jun 14, 2011
I think you will find this has been loads of threads about Voice acting in Zelda. Next time I'd advise you look at other threads before considering making one that may be about the same topic.

Anyway I'll still give my thoughts about voice acting. For me it's a simple case of whether Zelda needs it or not and I think Zelda doesn't need voice acting. I think Nintendo should of included Voice acting in Ocarina of Time since that was the better time to include it, but Nintendo didn't take that opportunity so were stuck with what we have now and I don't see that changing for a very long time.


Apr 22, 2011
Yeah I'd like to see it, pretty bored of the text bubbles. However I do think that text bubbles are a core part of Zelda so removing them will definitely make the game feel a lot different but if it's in a positive or negative way is in Nintendo's hands.

I think Nintendo should of included Voice acting in Ocarina of Time since that was the better time to include it, but Nintendo didn't take that opportunity so were stuck with what we have now and I don't see that changing for a very long time.

I'm pretty sure ZU could be as revolutionary as OoT was, including voice acting among other things could work don't you think?


Jun 19, 2010
I don't really understand all the animosity towards voice acting in the Zelda community. As long as there's a way to turn it off, then there's no reason not to include it. Even if it does end up being bad, then it won't matter, since you can just put on text boxes instead. Voice acting is long overdue in Zelda. It's ridiculous for a game like Zelda not to have it in this day and age. Nintendo needs to get with the times.
Aug 25, 2012
Indiana, USA
I wrote an entire article on this on my website, so I'll try and keep my answer here brief. (Yeah, good luck.)

Yes, I'm for voice acting. Does Zelda need it? No, but as JuicieJ pointed out in an older article, Zelda didn't "need" the move into 3D, "need" Z-targeting, or any other improvements in the series, yet those changes usually altered the franchise for the better. Why not include it if only to quiet those of us who want it? Optional, of course. If listening to the dialogue isn't your thing, turn it off and read the text only.

So long as the dialogue is clever and the characters are engrossing, there shouldn't be much distinction between how close we feel to the characters and story at large. Skyward Sword used only text boxes, but I felt closer to its characters than most other games. Xenoblade Chronicles used mostly voice acting, but I didn't feel quite so connected to its characters. Conversely, I felt a connection to the characters in Kid Icarus: Uprising with its voice acting, but not to anyone in a Pokemon game with its text boxes. The conclusion: It's the quality of writing, character development, and story progression that define our connection to the game, not whether it's voiced or written. So I wouldn't worry about "we'll lose the connection to the characters if we switch to voice acting!" Barely makes a difference, if at all.
I'd be fine with it, Voice acting isn't all that bad now, the Operation Rainfall games and the FF series have had some great voice acting, in fact the only game with VA that has felt off and sounded awful to me recently has been Metroid Other M. There is no reason why VA in Zelda games should fall flat on its face when there are more than enough good examples out there and nintendo do strive for quality and usually get it, i've got the faith that they'll do well if they use it.


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
No, I don't want to see voice acting in Zelda. One thing that I love about this series is that so much is left up to the imagination. Everyone probably imagines certain characters' voices differently. While it's impossible to please everyone anyways (regardless of voice acting or not) I just don't think the franchise needs it. That being said, I would still play a LoZ game that had voice acting in it. It wouldn't ruin the whole series for me, it would just be a new idea that I need to get use to.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
No. I've seen VA ruin too many games. I don't want to add Zelda to the list.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
I'd love if they did voice acting, just not for Link. I'd like them to keep our hero mostly silent, only using "HYAAS" and other grunts.


Jun 19, 2010
No. I've seen VA ruin too many games. I don't want to add Zelda to the list.

There's really no problem if the option to turn it off is there. It would please both sides. You wanted voice acting; now you have it. You don't like the voice acting? Turn it off.

I'd love if they did voice acting, just not for Link. I'd like them to keep our hero mostly silent, only using "HYAAS" and other grunts.

Link probably shouldn't have any dialouge at all. The fans would probably go crazy, just like with Metroid fans and Other M.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
I previosuly would've said no.

However, I have changed my mind. I think voice acting would be fantastic in a Zelda title. NO VOICE ACTING FOR LINK THOUGH EVER
Playing Skyward Sword i really wanted to have the characters's personalities sink in which I can only do if I can view their facial expressinos and get an imprint of them in my head. It's difficult to do that if I have to read the text box below them and simultaneously look up at their face. If there was voice acting, I'd just be able to watch and listen


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
There's really no problem if the option to turn it off is there. It would please both sides. You wanted voice acting; now you have it. You don't like the voice acting? Turn it off.

As I have done my best to avoid games with VA, I will admit I am not an expert, but I have yet to see a game give the option to turn VA off. The best I've seen is the option to add subtitles.


Feb 24, 2010
As I have done my best to avoid games with VA, I will admit I am not an expert, but I have yet to see a game give the option to turn VA off. The best I've seen is the option to add subtitles.
Plenty of games allow you to toy with the sound and there's usually a "Dialogue" or "Voices" slider.

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