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Would You Like to See a Wii Ware Zelda Title?


James Widdowson

The last two Zelda games I've had a blast through recently have been A Link To The Past and Oracle of Seasons. I've played and completed each game multiple times before, but each time I can't help but like them more and more.

In general I prefer the 2D Zelda titles to the 3D ones. Ocarina Of Time is my favourite Zelda game, but only two of my five favourite Zelda games are 3D titles (Ocarina and Majora's Mask). I'd love to see a new top-down 2D Zelda title in the mould of A Link To The Past or Link's Awakening to be released again. But because of gaming today (and the fact that everything is 3D) I highly doubt we'll ever see another classic 2D Zelda title again.

But I'd love to see Nintendo (or maybe Capcom again) develop a new 2D Zelda title for the Wii Ware. What do you all think? Would yoi like to see a new 2D Zelda title for release through Wii Ware?
Nov 20, 2008
I love the idea of returning to 2D Zelda games, and I agree with you that I like many of them better than 3D Zelda games. It would be cool if it was released for WiiWare, and Nintendo might rather do that to boost Downloads. Personally I would rather have it released for the DS. One reason I like the 2D games is because they are portable, so you can play them on long car rides or other boring travel things. Maybe I'm alone on this, and the chance for is is rapidly decreasing, considering Nintendo's next system is the 3DS.

So Most likely if there ever is a new 2D game it will be for WiiWare.
Jan 28, 2010
2D game on WiiWare is a good idea. But it'd have to have a great new artistic style and unique plot. I like the idea of them trying a new 2D style kinda like they did Kirby's Epic Yarn. But for Zelda!
Sep 16, 2009
Cali For Nuh
While I don't think Nintendo would do a wii ware title for Zelda (its sales are 100% dependent on people having their wii's hooked up to the internet and putting their credit card info on the console -or wii points card-) Their audience is greatly reduced in size.

Would it be epic though, HELL YEAH! I Would love to see a 2D zelda again. In my opinion the 2D zeldas are really what defined the best moments in Zelda history. The puzzles were challenging, the bosses challenging, the whole game was just challenging. Whether it was challenging your maneuvering skills or ability to think the 2D games got it where the 3D ones missed out.

I think a wii ware title would be great. I'd even buy it. I could totally go for the 2D experience all over again.


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
WiiWare games tend to be relatively small in size, or at least smaller than mainstream games. Because of that, and the reduced audience size, the chances of a full blown Zelda game on WiiWare is pretty small. HOWEVER, I am fully in support of more 2D Zelda games, giving us something new by bringing back something old to speak.

If they were to put it on WiiWare though, it would likely end up being a side game, and hopefully not a Tingle side game since I doubt those would make it to the West. But a smaller side game involving Link, maybe acting as a side story as a sequel or some sort of "omake" type thing to another game. It'll be good for experimentation and story development. They can do something drastic and really try something new with graphics or maybe try out new features that are too risky to immediately implement into a full scale game. Or they could use it to expand on the story, kinda like the manga side stories, just to please those of us that want more character interactions or some more story to play around or theorize with.

At any rate, if they make a WiiWare Zelda game, I would totally jump for it. :3


Jun 12, 2010
I hope they don't make Zelda WiiWare, the game would be incredibly easy and short. I do hope they make the SS Demo DLC for Wii Shop Channel.

James Widdowson

@WeeGee: I think that even a Wii Ware Zelda title could be long and difficult. Yeah a lot of games on the Wii Ware are short and easy, but that doesn't meen all games for the Wii Ware will have to be like that does it?


is climbin' in yo windows
Jul 12, 2010
San Antonio
Maybe I'm alone on this, and the chance for is is rapidly decreasing, considering Nintendo's next system is the 3DS.

So Most likely if there ever is a new 2D game it will be for WiiWare.

This is true, but Paper Mario is largely 2D, but I can imagine that I would look great. When considering a top down view, I can imagine (I'm imagining the Golden Sun overworld) that figures like towers, mountains and the player character are 3D, while grass and things are relatively flat. I think a 2D could work on the 3DS.

But for Wii Ware? I don't like the idea. I would have to be pretty different to work. I could see a PH/ST style game working, where the stylus is replaced by the wiimote...


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
I think I would like a WiiWare title, mainly because it would be in 2D and similar to the older Zelda games. It's been a while since I've played a classic Zelda game, and I think it would be interesting to see what they come up with as far as a new one.

It would be an interesting, low-cost alternative to buying the latest games. There are some very interesting games on WiiWare, and I don't see any reason why we shouldn't add Zelda into that mix. I think they could be fairly faithful to the Zelda formula on such a format.
Dec 6, 2009
I would like to see a Wii-Ware Zelda game that plays like the first Zelda game, or Zelda II. I think it would be cool if they brought back the "RPG" elements like the ones in Zelda II. For instance, Magic Spells, and Experience Points.

February Eve

ZD District Attorney
Mar 21, 2010
There's a Wii Ware game I played called Lost Winds, and I don't want to knock it too hard because a lot of people liked it, but in the end, it wasn't for me. Cute graphics, cute world-building, but each game was only 3 - 6 hours long and the game play didn't work for me. The reason I bring it up is that I knew what Zelda designers could do even with Wii Ware limitations, and it left me longing for a title like that. So yes, I'd like a Wii Ware title, and it wouldn't even have to be 2D. I could handle a short 3D game - it'd cost less anyway and it'd just be like reading a short story instead of a novel. However, I'd only want it in addition to the other console games. And since I don't know what kind of resources a Wii Ware game would take up, I'd want the biggest priority to be a main console game.

But short answer, yes, if they had the time and the resources. More Zelda is always a good thing to me. :)

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