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Skyward Sword Worst Zelda Game Since DS Games?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Exactly my thought on the topic. You just can't explain the Logic of Zelda Fans as a fanbase.

There's 5 types of fans.

1) The ones who delude themselves into thinking they want change, but they don't. However, when the game they like is really just an advancement of OoT, they try to justify it by claiming it was fresh, groundbreaking, and new when it wasn't. They have a tenancy to over-romanticize the games they like. (Typically MM/TP fans)

2) The ones who know they don't want change and accept it. (Typically OoT/TP/aLttP fans)

3) The very small minority who do want change and embrace it when it happens. (Typically tWW/SS fans)

4) The old school gamer who abhors the current Zelda and wants it to go back to how it was (LoZ-LA fans)

5) The semi-old school gamer who likes to complain about the newer games and claim how much better OoT and MM are despite having the exact same flaws they are complaining about (LoZ-MM fans)
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Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
The main things I liked about SS was that they brought back Beetle, as well as my top favorite enemies with a total makeover which happen to be the, Lizalfos, Stalfos, Armos, and Beamos. The thing that really annoyed me was that they just HAD to bring the save statues back(remember Majora's Mask?). That was the main thing that had lowered my overall liking for the game. I also believe it needed more things to do other than the main adventure, extra sidequests and or mini games.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
"Brought back"? It was never in any previous game. Controlling seagulls in The Wind Waker was similar, but the Beetle is a Skyward Sword exclusive as of now.

He meant Beedle, the shopkeeper of his shop ship...or balloon. :)
Nov 25, 2012
Monkey Island
I think SS had a ton of potential that it didn't live up to. The concepts were all great but not well executed. I loved how it took place in the sky, how citizens lived on floating islands and used birds for transportation...it's not a wholly original concept, but to see it on a Zelda game seemed like a dream come true. Turned out, the sky region was basically just Skyloft and a few rocks floating around it. There should have been multiple floating dungeons, narrow passes that really tested your flying skills, etc. The story should've focused more on Link's special bond with his Loftwing; instead, the bird wasn't even given a name. I know they couldn't develop the sky region so much because they were focusing on the "world below", but I almost wish they'd scrapped the whole "world below" and done a WW-in-the-sky sort of thing, just so the sky region could have more content.

It didn't live up to its potential for me, but I can't call it a disappointment, either. The dungeons, though not spectacular for me, were fun, the cutscenes were gorgeous, the artstyle was a smart move for the Wii, Link and Zelda's romantic friendship was very well portrayed, Ghirahim is easily my favorite Zelda villain, etc.
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Jun 14, 2011
There's 5 types of fans.

1) The ones who delude themselves into thinking they want change, but they don't. However, when the game they like is really just an advancement of OoT, they try to justify it by claiming it was fresh, groundbreaking, and new when it wasn't. They have a tenancy to over-romanticize the games they like. (Typically MM/TP fans)

2) The ones who know they don't want change and accept it. (Typically OoT/TP/aLttP fans)

3) The very small minority who do want change and embrace it when it happens. (Typically tWW/SS fans)

4) The old school gamer who abhors the current Zelda and wants it to go back to how it was (LoZ-LA fans)

5) The semi-old school gamer who likes to complain about the newer games and claim how much better OoT and MM are despite having the exact same flaws they are complaining about (LoZ-MM fans)

6) The ones who don't complain about what change a Zelda game made and praises it regardless. (Typically all-around Fans)

Anyway I'm talking about the Zelda Fanbase as a whole, not as individual groups. Despite these 'categories of Zelda fans' overall the Zelda Fanbase always have something to complain about. I know this doesn't apply to every Zelda fan, but it does apply to a vast majority of Zelda fans.
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Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
Well, first off, I don't see how you can call it overrated. It's received a lot of praise, but it's also received a fair amount of criticism. If there's any Zelda game that's become overrated as of late, it's The Wind Waker.
Noooo...Wind Waker is by far the best plot twist of the entire Zelda series. It was the first game to take place in a time period after Hyrule. Besides, at least Wind Waker has Ganondorf in it.
Jan 7, 2013
Spirit tracks is the worst zelda game ever and skyward sword is a little better than that imo. Phantom hourglass is in my top 3 zelda games ever so i think it is better than skyward sword.

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