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Worst story


The future pro yoyoer
Sep 21, 2008
PH. It doesn't even make sense. Maybe after a few more games it will all fall together and everything will make sense. But for now, it means nothing. Later, we might find out that it made the biggest effect in LoZ history. We will just have to wait to find out.
Jun 16, 2008
New York, US
I'd have to say LoZ. It had the a very simple plot, and there wasn't any in game advancements or anything. Just, Link goes to save Zelda. Yay. Not that it's a bad game, but it is lacking in the story department.

Hylian Hobbit

Delightfully Delicious ;P
Aug 20, 2008
PH. It doesn't even make sense. Maybe after a few more games it will all fall together and everything will make sense. But for now, it means nothing. Later, we might find out that it made the biggest effect in LoZ history. We will just have to wait to find out.

What doesn't make sense about it?

Anyway, LoZ is a good game, but you can't ignore the fact that it didn't have near as much of a story as the other games. Like blackice said (and possibly others), it was just gather the triforce pieces, save the princess, kill Ganon, then watch the credits. There was little to no development in the story as the game progressed. Yeah, it was made 20 years ago which is why it didn't have a grand storyline, but that doesn't really change anything.

Mike Pothier

Lord Shaper
Apr 5, 2008
Southern California
Well, yeah, its definitely LoZ, but I think we're lucky to get the plot we did get. Its just a basic "Knight saves Princess from Dragon" story a fresh coat of paint.

Don't anybody knock the AoL story. It was a great followup to the first game.


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
Worst Plot: Adventure of Link. It had no real originality in it! You awaken the sleeping princess, not save the about-to-die princess!

Best Storyline: Ocarina of Time. This game sets everything up. It explains how the Triforce got there, how the Triforce was split, the sages who locked up Ganon, and the reconstruction of Hyrule/Imprisioning War.

The origional did have a plot. If you stayed at the title screen, it would tell you a story in 8-bit font! It would say that Ganon had the Triforce of Power and was going after the Triforce of Wisdom. Zelda split the Triforce of Wisdom to prevent Ganon from getting it, but now you are stuck with getting the pieces and smiting Ganon. :nerd:


Sep 15, 2008
I think tha LoZ's plot was way worst than AoL's... AoL is an excellent game, and had a pretty good plot, compared to LoZ, but is just my opinion


Air Dancer
Jan 6, 2009
I actually have to say Zelda II had the worst. For the same reason others said. It was kind of like Sleeping beauty or something

As for Zelda 1 being the worst. It wasnt. It worked fine for what you could do in the game. Go to the dungeons and get the triforce parts being the main thing. And what games back then really had story lines or ones that were really strong?


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Give me a break. LoZ had the weakest plot compared to everything else.

Also AoL's plot was not just "Sleeping Beauty" the plot was also "Survival" remember, the minions of Ganon were on your tail so they could steal your blood in order to revive the evil king. It's a "Sleeping Beauty, Save the world from Evil Dictator, and Survival" plot. And that Evil Dictator plot is very overused.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Also AoL's plot was not just "Sleeping Beauty" the plot was also "Survival" remember, the minions of Ganon were on your tail so they could steal your blood in order to revive the evil king. It's a "Sleeping Beauty, Save the world from Evil Dictator, and Survival" plot. And that Evil Dictator plot is very overused.

Perfest example right there. While LoZ was just "save the princess" with no other real objective, AoL was "Okay, these guys are right behind me trying to kill me so they can revive my worst enemy" with a side of "awaken the princess".

AoL clearly has the better plot.


Air Dancer
Jan 6, 2009
It might be better but its not original at all really. Thats why I vote it the worst. Sure. TLOZ wasnt original but it wasnt sleeping beauty either ^^

Alder Dragon

Classic Gamer
Nov 20, 2007
Pennsylvania, USA
I disagree, I think LoZ was very in-depth with the storyline. Now, the NPCs were very limited and storyline apart from the manual was hard to pick up, but the plot was there and it was very in-depth outside of the game, at least.

I'd probably say Four Swords for GBA had the weakest plot, if you consider that one of the games. Aside from that, it's really hard to pick one.


Air Dancer
Jan 6, 2009
I actually agree

I guess I seem to forget about FS

Then again a game like FS can do with a weak story ^^

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