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With PS4 Announced, Do You Think Wii U Is In Trouble?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
First off the PS3 isn't backwards compatible so I am afraid that playing PS2 and PS1 discs on the PS3 will not work.

Yeah it is. 20 and 60 GB and nearly completely backwards compatible. The 80GB has less BC but still significant at roughly 80%. Only the 40GB isn't.

Am sure anyone would take a more powerful console over a console that is severely underpowered but has backwards compatibility to an even weaker console.

To each their own...but placing hardware over software just seems asinine to me.

Saying that the PS4 will just have better graphics is a "major" understatement. Did you even watch the presentation? Some of the capabilities are really amazing

If you're sitting on your PS4 all day...yes....but a lot of them seemed to be completely trivial features that would be of no use to a gamer. The others were just...meh.

and it could completely take out loading times,

Download times I don't even notice when playing weaker systems.

Games will be able to run faster,

When was slow gameplay an issue?

be able to have more storage,

Jesus, dude, how much game money do you have? I haven't even filled up my Wii's memory yet.

games will generally be bigger,

Again, not necessarily a good thing...

and am sure there are many other features that will greatly improve.

Really? Huh...I guess the PS4 must be special then, because I've been through several console generations and, since 3D came out, software titles haven't gone up and up in quality in a linear way. The only thing I've seen improved are graphics and controllers. But games? Not inherently. Look at SMS and tWW, both did significantly worse than their predecessors. TTYD got better....but SPM got worse. Some people still prefer melee to brawl. Hardware means almost nothing when it comes to games.

Fact is that the PS4's power will not only make the game look better but it will improve the efficiency and experience when playing.

History supports your first statement, but not your second. The "greatest games" considered so far are OoT and SMG. One ran one the weakest console of its generation and the other is over 10 years old.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
It might seem strange to say this so early in the generation but I think Nintendo should cut off Wii U support after five years like the company traditionally does with its consoles. In its current state, Nintendo is able to draw out generations like Sony or Microsoft. Ninty has about eight to ten "must have" titles like Zelda, 3D Mario, Metroid, Smash Bros. that garner a significant boost in sales for the system during the course of the generation but without third party support, you get years like 2011 and 2012 were for the Wii-month after month of no worthwhile software.

The Wii U's third party support is currently stable with games like Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101, Resident Evil Revelations, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Lego City Undercover, and Watch Dogs on the way. This support will likely continue into 2014 as well. While the PS4 (and likely Nextbox) are significantly more powerful than the Wii U, it takes years of development for the potential of a system to shine. Compare Halo 3 to Halo 4 or Uncharted Drake's Fortune to Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception and you see a clear graphical diference. This will work to the Wii U's advantage as well but beefier consoles gain the upper hand.

Around 2017, Nintendo needs to announce a new console-a rough estimate of the period when the PS4 and Nextbox will stop incurring losses for Sony and Microsoft, respectively. Both of the tech giants won't be ready to transition to the 9th generation but Nintendo will leverage the playing field with the most powerful console on the market for at least three years from 2017-2020. This is pretty sketchy and a look into the far future but it's a viable plan for Nintendo to continue tapping into its fanbase and recapture the gamers who left the flock during the Wii generation.


Jul 1, 2012
When the Xbox 360 first came out, the most popular game played on it was Halo 2. That remained more or less the same until 2007. No console has ever launched with a large selection of games that were worth playing until the Wii U. Say what you will, but the Wii U genuinely has one of the most robust launch line-ups ever, in regard to the number of games available for it. The fact that the Xbox 360 was backwards compatible gave a huge number of people a genuine reason to buy one at launch. Not everyone will have the same mentality but a huge number of people will think (and did think) "There might not be any games for the 360 that I want, but I can play Halo and Morrowind on it so I'll get one now and play those until 360 games comes out... like Halo 3 and Oblivion!"

Backwards compatibility means a console will launch with the previous console's entire library (or a limited selection of it in the case of Sony and Microsoft). Sure, those games may not have been developed specifically for the new console but they are still available for it. I know people who have bought original Xbox games for 360, people who have bought Gamecube games for Wii. The mere fact that these older games can be played on the newer console means they are part of that console's library and they do play an important role in a lot of people's decisions on whether or not to buy a new console. Emulators make backwards compatibility redundant? Not everyone has computers that can run them smoothly (like my situation with Dolphin, for example) or even know such things exist. Heck, some people know they exist but avoid them because they prefer not to pirate games. These days, many people will trade, say, a Wii in to get money off the price of a Wii U. The Wii U being backwards compatible means that decision is an easy one to make as those people will still be able to play whatever games they had for the Wii. They don't lose anything and end up saving some money, an important factor in the current economic climate. The PS4 not being backwards compatible means gamers will have to hang onto their PS3s if they wish to play any games for it. That means having to leave it hooked up if they play PS3 games regularly (a likely scenario in the PS4's early days). That means more space used up around the TV and more electrical sockets used up. Those who choose to 'swap' their consoels around, only having one hooked up at a time, will find it to be a hassle. These may seem like minor things but they are the realities of using home consoles. Backwards compatability is not just a great way to bolster a new console's library, it can help save people money, space and eliminate unnecessary burdens and annoyances.

Overall, the PS4's lack of backwards compatibility is a negative point, whichever way you want to look at it. While it won't hold the thing back in any serious way, it is an oversight. The first thing I, and probably many other people, would do to improve the appeal of the console is make it compatible with PS3 software. That would allow people to trade in PS3's to save money on buying a PS4, it would eliminate excess space being taken up by a PS3 that would become more obsolete with each passing month and it would provide the PS4 with a large library of games to bolster whatever it has available at launch. A console being backwards compatible is nothing but positive and it is a feature I would expect of any new console launch, now and in the future.

Don't get me wrong I do see the positives of consoles having backwards compatibility and this indeed work in the Wii U's favor as the line up at the moment is incredibly weak. However there is no excuse for a console to have to rely on backwards compatibility to increase sales especially during the start of the console. It seems when consoles release it's all about moving forward the fact that backwards compatibility is necessary is mainly for connivance and gamers being able to relive their past experiences with games. From owning a PS3 I loved the line up of games but I didn't want the PS4 so I could play PS3 games I wanted it to play PS4 games.

Now I could see this would be the case if the PS4 had a really weak line up. However from watching the press conference I saw around 8 games that I am really impressed with and I think at least 5 of them could be console sellers. It isn't confirmed that all these games will be available upon release but am sure most of them will be within the first 2 months. With this quantity of titles that seem to he pushing the boundaries of gaming I see no need to look back at the past gen of games. Now this is just my view and some will agree and others may disagree. Of course backwards compatibility is a "good" thing but for me it will not harm my decision to buy the PS4.
Jun 14, 2011
You need good hardware to run good software. If you've tried PC gaming, this would be obvious.

I'm not talking about PC Gaming, I'm talking about Sony and PlayStation where the Hardware is unchangeable and the software is limited to that hardware. Sony didn't announce the PlayStation 4 because they made superior software that couldn't be run on a PlayStation 3, it's the other way around.

Also, Backwards compatibility shouldn't be a selling point. With the speed emulators and PCs are processing, does backwards compatibility really matter?

I never talked about Backward Compatibility so I don't know why you are telling me this.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I think it's inevitable that the Wii U will have the upper hand....It has a 1 year advantage on the PS4 however I am afraid that when the PS4 and Nextbox are released it's only a matter of time before they start outselling the Wii U. Of course we don't know the price yet but if the price is around the same price that was rumored I just don't see how the Wii U can compete.

What makes you think they'll outsell the Wii U? The PS4 will undoubtedly be at least $100 more than the Wii U Deluxe (all dat power means a lot more $$$, something they didn't learn from the PS3's price apparently), and the 360 will most likely cost a fair amount more, as well. Nintendo is also hot in the market. The 3DS is selling like crazy, and it's only a matter of time before the Wii U is, as well. The Wii U will also have third party support, meaning they'll sell a lot more games than they did with the Wii. Beyond that, we get to decide how much memory we want with Nintendo's new console, unlike Sony's, making it much more accessible. I don't see any reason to fear Nintendo failing financially against the competition this generation.

just look how many titles and new IP's there are for the PS4 already.

You're aware most of these won't be available at launch, right? They merely showed off what we have to expect in the future.

Another thing involving power. We have no idea what things we saw were in-game graphics, cutscenes, or tech demos. Just sayin'.
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Jul 1, 2012
What makes you think they'll outsell the Wii U? The PS4 will undoubtedly be at least $100 more than the Wii U Deluxe (all dat power means a lot more $$$, something they didn't learn from the PS3's price apparently), and the 360 will most likely cost a fair amount more, as well. Nintendo is also hot in the market. The 3DS is selling like crazy, and it's only a matter of time before the Wii U is, as well. The Wii U will also have third party support, meaning they'll sell a lot more games than they did with the Wii. Beyond that, we get to decide how much memory we want with Nintendo's new console, unlike Sony's, making it much more accessible. I don't see any reason to fear Nintendo failing financially against the competition this generation.

We simply cannot answer that question yet, am sure Sony will have learnt from their last release. This is basic concept of a business you have to remain competitive and they kniw that the only supposed advantage that the Wii U will hold over their console is price. I expect a higher price but I also expect it to be fair. Plus Nintendo must have spent a load of money while coming up with strategies of innovation, then they ended up with the Wii U controller the Gamepad. This is fairly high tech and am sure it set Nintendo back a lot of money not just on making the Gamepad but research and such. Sony didn't have to do that, they just proposed the Vita (an already existing console) to work as one with the PS4. Who is to say that Nintendo didn't spend more money than Sony?

You're aware most of these won't be available at launch, right? They merely showed off what we have to expect in the future.

Well again this is isn't known yet and we already know that Watchdogs and Destiny are scheduled for release in the holiday season, possibly on launch as was rumored to be as well, Beyond. I would also expect a few exclusives to come out on launch as well with the 2 3rd party titles I mentioned, it looks like already Sony have a stronger line up than the Wii U.
Apr 16, 2010
A Link In Time said:
Around 2017, Nintendo needs to announce a new console-a rough estimate of the period when the PS4 and Nextbox will stop incurring losses for Sony and Microsoft, respectively. Both of the tech giants won't be ready to transition to the 9th generation but Nintendo will leverage the playing field with the most powerful console on the market for at least three years from 2017-2020. This is pretty sketchy and a look into the far future but it's a viable plan for Nintendo to continue tapping into its fanbase and recapture the gamers who left the flock during the Wii generation.

I've been thinking the exact same thing. Nintendo will have to accept their loss with the Wii U and create a system that can compare to the PS4 and Nextbox, like the Wii U is to the PS3 and 360. Nintendo can even keep the GamePad and just make a much more powerful Wii U to support the upcoming waves of third-party titles. Nintendo needs to work on this now, or developers will burn out on them fast, just like they did with the Wii.

JuicieJ said:
You're aware most of these won't be available at launch, right? They merely showed off what we have to expect in the future.

Another thing involving power. We have no idea what things we saw were in-game graphics, cutscenes, or tech demos. Just sayin'.

Killzone: Shadow Fall has been shown being played live, and it looked gorgeous and ran very well. And it will be available at launch. That's just one game, but there will be many more launch titles; it also shows the great potential the console has.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Killzone: Shadow Fall has been shown being played live, and it looked gorgeous and ran very well. And it will be available at launch. That's just one game, but there will be many more launch titles; it also shows the great potential the console has.

And Nintendo will be showing the great potential the Wii U has at this year's E3. Specifically with Mario and Smash Bros.
Jul 22, 2011
And Nintendo will be showing the great potential the Wii U has at this year's E3. Specifically with Mario and Smash Bros.

Some people seem to be forgetting that Nintendo has a lot of franchises to rely on. Smash Bros initiates a huge hype train, 3D Mario will be an AAA game and innovator, and Mario Kart will sell like hot cakes. All of the preceding, and most likely more, will be at E3. But in all seriousness, those three titles alone ensure a good E3 for Nintendo.

There's room for two next-gen consoles on the market people. I don't understand why we're constantly praying that one company slays the other. God, this reminds me of the time people said the Vita would run Nintendo out of the handheld market...... how did that end again?


Jan 26, 2013
You're acting as if backward compatibility is a recent feature. I'd like to point out older consoles that had the backward compatibility installed such as the Atari 7800, the Jaguar II, the Master System, the Atari XEGS. These are all the consoles I can think of that were released with backwards compatibility and were released in the '80s and '90s. So, don't act as if people never wanted it right from the start.
One of the main reasons the PS3 failed so badly was the fact that it used a cell microprocessor that was harder to develop for, thus scaring a lot of the game developers to other consoles.

On the PS4 they are using a x86_64 microprocessor, which is a whole lot easier to develop for, yet completely incompatible with the PS3's cell microprocessor.

Now the only way to introduce backwards compatibility would be to include a PS3 inside every PS4, thus making the PS4 cost >=$800.

Now the question becomes , do you want backwards compatibility, or do you want a affordable console?

Sony seems to think that people may not want to pay $800 for a video game console, I mean do you?
Jan 1, 2012
I can't believe people still say the PS3 failed. Being in last place doesn't mean you failed. Over 72 million consoles sold is not a failure at all.


Jan 26, 2013
I can't believe people still say the PS3 failed. Being in last place doesn't mean you failed. Over 72 million consoles sold is not a failure at all.
What I mean is that the PS3 should have had as much if not more success, when compared to the PS2, I still want a PS3 but I also know that my PS2 will always have better games.
Jan 1, 2012
PS3 has so many quality games though. I dunno. I've always been the type of person that enjoys each gen just as much or more than the previous gen.


Jul 1, 2012
And Nintendo will be showing the great potential the Wii U has at this year's E3. Specifically with Mario and Smash Bros.

I think the point being made is that PS4 is starting strong....Very strong! Unlike the Wii U. Simply I think it is little overdue, Nintendo tried to rush the console out for the holiday period to maximise sales and gain a competitive advantage over their rivals, which is understandable. The fact of the matter is that still their is no excuse for the Wii U having a weak library other than the fact that they pushed for an early release. I think the PS4 will be a great example of how a console should start off, game library wise as it already looks very promising with some huge releases.

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