Viral Maze
Verb the adjective noun
It's possible that devs will actually use the Wii U for their multiplat games. It'll no doubt be the easiest to develop for, and the tech won't be vastly far behind like with the Wii, and games on all four platforms will inevitably make more money than games on three.
Even if that doesn't happen, though, third party companies have said that the Wii U is an easy console for them to use and that they see a lot of potential in it. Either way, I have no fear for the Wii U's future.
This is a good point, I didn't even consider this. I can see this being the case at least initially, once the other two consoles are released.
But I don't think it will last. I remember hearing somewhere that the PS4 will be easier to develop for than the PS3 was (Sony's ditching their cell processor, or something), and the next Xbox specs aren't official as of yet, so this could go either way, especially once all three consoles get a few years into their life cycles and developers become more confident with them.
That said, (and to elaborate on my last post) do I think the WiiU will fail? No. I think it will do fine. But to be taken seriously (unlike the Wii was this gen), it needs more 3rd party support, and with lower tech stats it may be hard for it to get that (if not now, then later once the 8th gen is in full swing). It's a toss-up I think, but Nintendo has always been doing 'their thing', and it's worked for them thus far.