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Breath of the Wild Will it be the last straw for you?


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Those "issues" are greatly exaggerated though. Having waypoints or a companion with hints available isn't really Handholding per se. Its just a game doing its job of informing the player of what to do next. Constant interruptions is also another criticism that is blown out of proportions. If you were talking about Navi i would understand, but Fi wasn't really all that intrusive, personally i had more issues with Midna and the Wolf sections that dragged down TP. Fetch quests... i have no idea what you were referring to, but quests in SS were pretty good and inventive. Oh, you mean the flames "quest" that required you to prove your worth to the providence gods? How is that any different from any regular activity in any other Zelda game that requires you to go after a goal, return and have your passage granted? I would even say those are the most common of quests in the franchise. Lackluster opening is subjective too, imo its the best opening in the series. With characters we learn to love, humor and great storytelling.

The point is, i think fans should have the sobriety of knowing the difference between aspects of a game they don't appreciate, and actual problems or flaws. To give you an example, Majoras Mask is my least favorite Zelda game. I feel its recycled content and repetitive nature made it not so fun to play, its time restrictions felt like a way to cope with the small scope of the game and i hate masks. But i still know its a good game, i just don't appreciate it and the many things it does to annoy me.

Fetch Quests primarily mean those stupid ass ones in SS where some idiot lost something below the clods such as that damned pinwheel or something similar. Those just took it overboard combining the monotonous of flight with the annoyance of searching then calling fi then flying again.

Also FI was a far worse companion at least Navi didn't beep at you every few seconds.
Feb 9, 2016
I played OoT 3Ds and Skyward Sword back to back when it came out, Fi barely ever interrupts you, while Navi was constantly showing up. Fi only shows up in story sequences and shes there in case you call for her whereas Navi pops out automatically whenever you so much look at at object or if you take too long to go after the main objective. And to be honest i do like Navi too, it made the adventure feel less lonely. And neither Navi or Fi forced Link to be a wolf... so they are okey on my book.

And you can't possibly separate SS from its peers in terms of quests, when in every Zelda game there are very similar quests like the one you described. I mean i hated going after Princess Ruto in OoT, or after Tears, bugs and the Owls quest in Twilight Princess. Oh and i guess you could also count going after medallions and spiritual stones as "fetching". Like i said before, its the core mechanic to drive the game forward in any Zelda game, you might enjoy some less than others but they're there and its going to be the same for Zelda WiiU.

And lets be honest these are pretty petty reasons not to like a game, you know we are talking about Masterpieces when complaints people have is the one fetch quest, or the one companion that showed up one too many times. Thats why i say pretty much every Zelda game is great.
Aug 12, 2015
As I said, I DO like the game. Still, I found Fi to be completely insufferable, and here's why: The information she was giving the player was not only uncalled for a majority of the time, it was absolutely redundant and took any sense of adventure out of the game. I still remember that one part in the Ancient Cistern where the camera zooms over that treasure chest. I remember I thought "heh, that's probably the key I need for the upper floor". Then Fi shows up and tells me "Master, there's an 98.5739293499% chance that's the key you're looking for!". Or one of the later dungeons, where you have to work with timeshift orbs. You go into a room, get that cutscene that zooms around and shows you what's in it, then Fi shows up and tells you how there's a 99.44444444% chance you're going to have to solve a puzzle with a timeshift orb here. Like, geez, I've been doing just that FOR TWO FREAKING HOURS ALREADY! WHY DO YOU TELL ME THIS WHEN I ALREADY KNOW??? I felt like Fi thought I was an idiot.

Navi on the other hand is annoying too with the constant hey listens, but at least you're given a choice most of the time. If you don't want to listen to her babbling, just don't tap her icon. Fi will interrupt you no matter what, and tell you things you already figured out by yourself almost every freaking time.
Feb 9, 2016
Well Fi did think Link was an idiot, i felt her condescending tone was pretty humorous and deliberate. And i get it, some idiosyncrasies that make me enjoy that game can anoy others. And then again i know this thread isn't really for someone like me who enjoys the franchise now more than ever.
May 4, 2014
I have been a Zelda fan since I was a little girl watching Captain N and The Legend of Zelda cartoons and was thrilled to get them on the NES.

No it won't be the last straw for me. I have only played one Zelda game that legitimately sucks and several aren't my cup of tea. Most of them I genuinely love.

For a series as old as this one, there's bound to be some snoozers and stinkers. Though I have noticed that its only the 3D games that lack that special kinda backbone in terms of legit challenge most of the 2D games have.

ALBW was the one I breezed through.

I think I'll enjoy this game or at the very least, find it boring.
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Team Captain
Dec 6, 2014
North Dakota
The only way I'll quit playing Zelda is if they pull a sonic '06 (release it before it's done,) or pull a silent hill 3 or 4 (not sure which) and reference old games all the time. If I want to remember older games, I'll hook up my NES and pop in the original LoZ.
Aug 12, 2015
The only way I'll quit playing Zelda is if they pull a sonic '06 (release it before it's done,) or pull a silent hill 3 or 4 (not sure which) and reference old games all the time.

Isn't that what Twilight Princess did though? Not trying to hate on the game, but the catering to the Ocarina fanbase was incredibly obvious.


Team Captain
Dec 6, 2014
North Dakota
Isn't that what Twilight Princess did though? Not trying to hate on the game, but the catering to the Ocarina fanbase was incredibly obvious.
Really? I guess the graphics and mechanics were distracting me too much to notice.

Azure Sage

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The only Zelda game I actively dislike is Twilight Princess. All the other games, including the modern ones, have been very enjoyable for me. I've had no disappointments in quite a while. Hell, even Tri Force Heroes was fun for me. If Zelda U sucks I'll be very disappointed, but I won't quit the franchise. After all, that wouldn't change the fact that I like most of the other games in the series.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I don't think after Ocarina of Time the series declined. For me it started going downhill after Twilight Princess. Games like Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks I didn't care for. Skyward Sword wasn't that bad, it had issues, I admit I bash it a lot, and of course I'm not too keen on replaying it, but I thought it did have some good things.

The Zelda Franchise is kind of like a rollercoaster ride — some games are high points, others are low ones. I have hopes that Zelda Wii U will be the game we all want it to be. I think it'll come close to my expectations, and honestly I haven't exactly set many like I did with Skyward Sword. It might not be the last straw for me, I think it'll definitely set a new standard for the series and will be a game for the fans. I just don't see it flopping. If it does it'd be a huge shock, for sure. Idk about the last straw though.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
There is a limit for me, but I'm not nearly at that point yet. I, like most people here, do not see that the series has declined as dramatically as others. Yes, Skyward Sword was a terrible game. But it has really been a one-off. Most Zelda games have been above average at worst. I haven't played Triforce Heroes, and admittedly, I never will, but a game like that, that strays from the Zelda formula so much, can only be called a spin-off, rather than a game that will dictate the direction of the series from now on.

If Zelda U/Zelda NX sucks, then that's just a disappointment. It won't signal the end of the series for me. The game would not just have to suck, but it would have to go off on a path that is just so far-flung from what we've come to expect that it doesn't feel like a Zelda game anymore for me to start thinking "Maybe the Zelda series is no longer for me".

Is it possible? Sure. That has happened to me with the Elder Scrolls series (unfortunately), but the Zelda series is still a long way from doing what the Elder Scrolls has done. It would be sad to have two games of Skyward Sword caliber as back-to-back major Zelda home console releases, but that wouldn't kill the series for me.
Jun 14, 2011
I will say there were some Zelda games I didn't enjoy as much as others, and there is one Zelda Game I refuse to even acknowledge (I'm looking at you triforce Heroes), but as a series, The Legend of Zelda is one of my favorite video game franchises.

I will admit that I'm a little worried about the whole open world gameplay they are going with for Zelda Wii U because it's one of the reasons why I disliked the original Zelda, but if I do find I don't enjoy the game, I'm not gonna simply boycott the series, that's just giving up too easily.

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
Zelda U would have to be a very un-fun experience to make me give up the series.

Ultimately whether or not I like a game depends on whether I have fun playing it. I've had fun playing every major Zelda game released so far. Even SS, which ranks lowest for me, has it's share of moments that made the game worth it.TFH was an odd one, but it's still fun. As long as I continue having fun playing Zelda games, I won't give up on the series.

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