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Will Ganondorf Be the Main Villain or Will Nintendo Create a Completely New Villain?



I'm not an expert on the timeline, but seeing an ancestor of Ganondorf would be sweet! Or possibly seeing him as a child that would be cool too.
I see them putting in a new antagonist though, I wished they would do something more with Majora but I don't think its feasable.


Zelda's Kid
Nov 15, 2010
It is unlikely that Ganondorf will be the main villain of the game. This game takes place long before OoT, and I don't see how it is possible to fit Ganondorf in any game before OoT. So they will probably make a new villain for the game.

Kaiser Kami

Warrior of Kaiser
Feb 2, 2011
There is Vatti they can use, or even Dark Link...I would like it if it was Ganon's great great grand father or something with a twist! Ganon's grandfather was part of the knights of Hyrule!


We fought him five+ times already. All of which he's your typical one-dimensional "LOL EEEEEEEVIIIIIL" badass.
He is not special anymore.
Come up with something new, Nintendo.
Jul 24, 2010
Charlotte, NC
what if the dark beast ganon was inside another villain. then when link kills that villain he goes into ganondorf at the end. that would be a good prequel. set everything up for oot.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I'd actually prefer to see another villain besides Ganon for SS. And in place of him I mostly want Dark Link. If they sharpened his character or have him take on a sinister personality as I've seen much fanart portray him, I believe he'd fit the title perfectly. Though some have called such an idea "fan service," I want to see the potential I see in him unfold into a malignant being which only the Master Sword can conquer.

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