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Who is Your Favorite Zelda Character?


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
Throughout the Zelda series, many characters have been introducing to us. These characters have caused us to bawl our eyes out, laugh until we wet ourselves, or moan in frustration every time they floated across our screens *coughTinglecough*.

Which character in the series is most memorable to you and why? It doesn't have to be a main character, like Link, Zelda, or the Happy Mask Salesman, for example. It could be someone who made a minor appearance, like Romani or Guru-guru.

The first character who jumps out at me is not really one person, but a group. Kili, Hanna, and Misha, Link's fangirls from Twilight Princess. I would start a convo with them every time, just to hear them squeal and drop recovery hearts. :rolleyes:

So, who is your favorite Zelda character?


Angry Megaman Fan
Jan 24, 2011
Behind you
Mmmm tough one...
I think I'll go with Medli from Wind Waker. She's cute and has a very important role on the game
The music she plays is also pretty awesome xD


Viceroy of Area 11
Dec 24, 2010
Zelda, she's pretty, she's got magical powers; if I could be any game character I'd be her.
Medli's awesome, and Sheik (same as Zelda, really), LINK (obviously), etc.


Ganondorf Incarnate
Feb 12, 2011
Dark Realm
I'd have to say the Shaman, Renado, from Twilight Princess...he seems kind and hospitable, and rather easy to get along with...now my Fav. Main character (besides Link...) would be Ganondorf... ;)


*Insert title here*
Feb 9, 2011
Midwestern US
Malon. I've always been a huge horse person, so I guess I just really connected with her. She was also the most interesting NPC that did not turn out to be a sage in OoT. I also really like Telma. She reminds me of an aunt or a friend that you go to about your problems that you really don't want to talk about with your parents. Plus her flirting with Renado creates hilarity to ensue.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
1. Link. Or specifically, kid Link from OoT and MM.

2. Zelda from TP because she is everything a Princess Zelda should be.

3. Kafei from MM. Because he is fun to draw and has blue hair. XD. In reality, I have no idea why I like this cat, but I do.
Jan 1, 2011
Well, my favourite character isn't really a person, its more like a group.
I love The Minish from the Minish Cap. They're really adorable, and I love how they can make small useless things into really creative ideas. They could use a broken cup as a bed. I find that really cute and creative. <3


Zelda's Kid
Nov 15, 2010
Link, obviously, is number one for me. But if he doesn't count, it would probably have to be Kingly from WW. What a pal he is. And such a mysterious person.


Dec 13, 2009
Link for sure because he is cool. I also like Malon because she is cute...
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DGN's Metaphysicist
Oct 9, 2009
Ponyville, Equestria ('murica irl)
I like a lot of characters. ...No, not like that, jeez! (Well maybe a few of them. :P )
Anyway, There's Saria, Tetra, and Midna (Imp form,) then there's Vaati, Dark Link, and... That's about it actually. And don't get me started on character pairings!

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