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Ocarina of Time Who is the Poe Keeper?


Young Link
Mar 31, 2010
He seems familiar....is he a character from the past?
Who do YOU think he is? I think he is a follower of ganondorf, he although may be a part of a rebellion. Or he gathering poes for ganondorf?:suspicious:
Who or What do you think this guy is?:thinking:


Legendary Captain
May 16, 2010
Misery Mire
He could be the kid from the graveyard from the past. He carries a stick just like the Poe Salesman, is obsessed with death, etc. It could also be the soldier that was in that same building in the past. That soldier makes it known that he is interested in ghosts and the like. Those seem to be the most popular explanations.


I thingk hes the kid in the grave yard but he also coud be some of the theres that Zelda wiki has
(linebeck1000) has.


Hylian Thief
Jul 16, 2010
It's a secret to everybody
I'm not so sure that it was the kid from the graveyard.
I mean, I don't think he would turn into that in just 7 years. The Poe Keeper acts rather old for it to be the kid; didn't he say something along the lines of "If I had a young face like yours, I would be in a different profession?" And I know for sure that he kept calling Link a "young man."
That seems like the characteristics of someone older.
Because of this, I think it's more likely to be the guard who was in the same building, since he did express an interest in ghosts.


Young Link
Mar 31, 2010
@Ember, yet...Termina was a parallel dimension. This being said, the poe keeper could be anyone. No specificly the guard.


The Meat Shield
Mar 9, 2010
What is this place?!?!?
I still think it's the guard... or perhaps it's someone who travelled to the town to set up shop because it's the only place they could do that kind of a job..

It's strange that they have a hand drawn picture of the triforce though... perhaps that is a clue to the identity of the Poe Shop Keeper?

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
I do not support the terminian counterpart theory because of one major thing. There are two people who use Malon's character model.

It's not a theory. The creators say Termina is a parallel world where the characters are counterparts of Termina. It's even stated that both Romani and Cremia are both meant to be Malon's counterpart.

As for the Poe Collector, trying to say something other than the obvious, he could just be the grim reaper who got lazy. All these souls are wandering around Hyrule now so that means nobody's been collecting them, like a reaper is suppose to do. It's pretty out there but it's still a theory.


I always assumed the Poe Keeper was the guard from the past. When you talked to him in the past he said that he studied ghosts, and that information about ghosts might come in handy one day.


Some Legends Never Die...
Jun 15, 2010
Calgary, AB, Canada
I've always assumed it was the guard, but there are many theories which could make sense. I think the kid from the graveyard is another one which could be plausible.


Heh heh hee...
I have a sort of fondness for the guy, and I'd like to think he's a person of his own. It is possible to carry a stick and not hangout in a grave yard when you were little, and just because you are in the same place as somebody else was seven years ago and are into the same kind of things doesn't necessarily mean you're them.
My theory is that the Poe Salesman, finding an excellent supply of poe specimens decided to remain in Hyrule after years of travel. These years of travel left him with just a walking stick and his tattered clothing. When he arrived at the guard house he found that there was the dead body of a Hylian Guard, who had formed his own collection of Poe souls, and decided to make himself less conspicuous by adding to his outfit a sash bearing the triforce, which he had seen in a few other places around. He also found near the guard's dead and decaying body a hurriedly scribbled triforce symbol on parchment stuck to the wall, undoubtedly left there by a frantic guard in a religious frenzy. He also made use of a local stock of alcohol, which, in combination with near starvation, leave him delirious and in no state to chase his poes. Upon meeting the hero of time, he decides to make use of this sturdy young man and pays him with the piles of unclaimed rupees he found lying around the market.
But hey, that's just me.


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
Hmm, didn't we alread have that discussion some months ago? Anyway, IMO there's a 90% probability that he's the guard from the past. For following reasons:
- Same location
- The guard said that he's highly interested in ghosts
- The Poe salesman has a triforce symbol on his clothing, so that could establish a connection to the royal guards too
I don't think that he's the grveyard boy simply because of his age: In the past, I'd say the graveyard boy is maybe 6-8 years old, that means that he's 13-15 in the future which doesn't really fit with the Poe Salesman's age. Especially saying that he considers Link's face "young" excludes the graveyard boy theory for me because Link is definitely older than him.

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