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Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

I don't know what a isekai is
but I'm not brave enough to look it up
It's nothing offensive or bad. Isekai is just a genre of anime/manga/media "that revolve around a normal human person from Earth being displaced, transported to, reborn or otherwise trapped in a parallel universe, fantasy world, or virtual world, where they must adapt and/or assimilate into this new world, along with its new rules, cultures and philosophies."

Azure Sage

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I don't know what a isekai is
but I'm not brave enough to look it up
Isekai means "another world" so basically it refers to the type of anime where the main character either gets transported to or reincarnates into another world. They usually fall into the "basement dweller reality avoidance harem" tropes so there aren't very many good ones.


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3
Isekai means "another world" so basically it refers to the type of anime where the main character either gets transported to or reincarnates into another world. They usually fall into the "basement dweller reality avoidance harem" tropes so there aren't very many good ones.
alright cool. this is anime so I wasn't sure if it was something bad lol

Azure Sage

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Decided to watch Nichijou, and...


... It was a good decision.

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