Beaten: Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, Phantom Hourglass, and Spirit Tracks.
Working On: Ocarina of Time, Minsh Cap, and Link to the Past.
Only Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess, but if I win The 3DS or something then i'll buy Ocarina of Time or something, although i question is the plotline would be as good, since there wouldnt be cutscenes. Or there are cutscenes, im not sure
twilight princess
ocarina of time
phantom hourglass
oracle of ages
oracle of seasons
link to the past
skyward sword
four swords (the special dsi give away one)
majoras mask
links awakening dx edition
Legend of Zelda
Adventure of Link
A Link to the Past
BS ALttP Ancient Stone Tablets
Link's Awakening
Ocarina of Time
Oracle of Seaons
oracle of Ages
Majora's Mask
The Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
The Minish Cap
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks
Skyward Sword
I have beaten all these games but did not get 100% in a link to the past
1) A Link to the Past
2) Ocarina of Time
3) Link's Awakening
4) Majora's Mask
5) Oracle of Seasons
6) Oracle of Ages
7) The Wind Waker
8) Four Swords
9) Four Swords Adventures
10) Twilight Princess
11) Phantom Hourglass
12) Spirit Tracks
13) & Skyward Sword It was tiring!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly, I have only beaten A Link to the Past and Twilight Princes (along with the fan-game "Mystery of Solarus DX"), but I have nearly beaten Ocarina of Time several times, I just lose access to it whenever I am close to beating it (and I have to start over every time, because someone always overides my save file). I have also played Skyward Sword a little bit, and Link's Awakening until I got stuck.