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What Zelda game made you a fan for good?

Mar 21, 2023
Mine was links awakening remake after playing botw , I am 34 I played the original Loz and ALTTP as a kid but never got far, found a new love for gaming as an adult
Mar 21, 2023
I guess it would have to be Twilight Princess (:. I'd played Wind Waker, but it was sharing a slot with my brother, so I decided to give TP a shot of my own, partially drawn to it because there was a wolf on the cover, and, well, here I am today.
Great answer man I'm still finding my way because I neglected gaming for a good twenty yrs but since playing botw and links awakening I've literally grown obsessed


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
I grew up with the original Zelda on NES, and since then, I had always been curious about the rest of the series. My brother had an N64 and despite how much we played Zelda on the NES, he never really showed interest in the series until The Wind Waker caught his attention with its charming art style. But what cemented us as fans was the Ocarina of Time/Master Quest bonus disc that he received for pre-ordering The Wind Waker and we finally got to experience what we missed out on with the N64. Though, when I finally had gaming systems of my own, The Minish Cap and Twilight Princess would be my first major forays into the series.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
although I played and loved Wind Waker first, I might have to say Twilight Princess solidified my love for the series b/c that's when I got more invested in the fanfiction-y side of things, although Smash more than anything is what prompted me to check out the earlier games
I've mentioned it before, but I wouldn't consider myself much of a Zelda fan before playing BotW, or even much into gaming at that point of my life. But playing it in late 2019 more or less got me back into gaming as a whole and reignited my interest in the series.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
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Honestly, what sold me on the series wasn't even a game. It was the Hyrule Historia. I completely fell in love with the series just from that book, I read it front to back so many times before I had even played a single zelda game.
As far as games go though if I had to pick one I would say OoT. It was the first Zelda game I played. Most action/fighting games I played before that point I had been terrible at. But as for OoT, I was actually able to beat the enemies and bosses and eventually the game. Starting with that game The Legend of Zelda basically completed my dream of being a gamer. The story and game set up were phenomenal as well.

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