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What Would You Do?

Shadow Wolfo

Darkest Wolfo There Is!
Jul 14, 2009
Yeah I would probably do this though anyway. I would have to have the same Items.I would probably do MM instead though. More realistic but stressfull.


i would go along with it but id be going crazy with the sword and hookshot XD id get sidetracked most of the time and ive always wanted to be needed. so this would boost my self esteem a million

Deku Scrub

I would probably die in the Great Deku Tree. I'd die in the bit where you have to jump down onto the spider webs so that you fall through to the under ground bit, I'd probably mis-calculate it and jump either too far or not far enough.
Same. Except I'd probably consider all of this, and, seeing that I have a rather bad paranoia of heights, just leave.

But since Link could survive that, then Zelda logic would imply I could too. So I probably would go with the whole adventure. I could use some excitement.
Nov 26, 2008

I would have been living the the forest for a while, so I would likely jump at the chance to save the Deku Tree. As for being ridiculed for not having a fairy... I wouldn't give a crap. :P

When it came down to me having to save the world, I would possibly be reluctant, but I wouldn't hesitate much if it meant helping everyone in the world that much. It's too big for me to not bear it, regardless of how heavy a burden it would be. I would also dig the adventuring. :P


Mmmmmmmmmh... BOMBS
Jun 14, 2009
France -Normandy-
If I was Link, I would have get crushed by those giant rocks near the Kokiri Sword, just like it happened to me in the game. And as I'm not as thought as Link, I don't think I would survive a 5 tons boulder crush.

But let's say I got really lucky, and that I finally manage to get a sword and a shield. Maybe I would have done the two first dungeons of the game (yeah let's say I got really really really lucky, Gohma died falling from the ceiling and Gorons managed to beat the second dungeon by themself)
It would have end here.
I really hate water, and I'd probably drown in Jabu Jabu's belly. And even if I could beat this dungeon, there's the water temple!

I hope that no talking tree will one day tell me that I must save the world. :(


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
I would charge head forward, the thing that seperates reality (where I am a coward and unwilling to fight) and the fantasy worlds (where I would be brave) is the fact I would have a means to properly defend myself instead of worrying about my butt everyday.


The Dutch Kusagari
Oct 17, 2007
The Netherlands
I think Ganondorf rules over Hyrule a lot longer. I have terrible card reading skills (I ended up in a garden of a castle instead of the camp site when I was on school camp :P) so I will get lost a lot of times. I think Rauru will do :facepalm: a lot when he sees me completly lost on hyrule field or when I lose my sword again :xd:.


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I would start out the quest as it happens in OoT, but wouldn't get very far at all because I'm deathly afraid of spiders. Even if I got past the large skultullas in the Deku Tree by some strange miracle, there's no way I'd survive meeting Gohma. Especially when it comes to the little larva Gomhas (Gohmi?) that are hatched. Ug. Since there no way to escape the boss rooms without beating the boss, I'd probably spend my final moments there.

At least this way, there'd be no Hero of Time, so the people in the backstory of Wind Waker wouldn't have anyone to wait for at all. Sure, they'd still be flooded, but at least they wouldn't be waiting for me to arrive since they'd never know of me to begin with! :P


Probably I can beat first dungeon and defeat Gohma but stalchild or redeads in royal tomb will kill me.


Sep 15, 2008
Of course that I would(at least) try to accomplish the task, even if I had to die at the end, or during it, I would try to complete it, if I knew that I was the only one who could ever do it and that everyone's lives depended on that.


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
Well, if I had to deal with what Link did...

Yeah, I cannot tolerate pain of any sort. I'm not a sissy. I can take a few punches to the arm and such, but to have my skin ripped off by a Deku Baba or to be stabbed by Gohma or be set on fire and such, well, I couldn't deal with that. I'm not a very strong person (My max bench is 60 lbs.), so I couldn't go far. My aim is also a bit off, so I couldn't use a bow and arrow, slingshot, such.

I would be intimidated by the bosses and their large stature, as well. I mean, I can't really go up against something 5 times my size! I would probably freak out with every mini-boss and boss. I'm not fast of a runner, so I also couldn't really catch up with bosses like Big Octo and such.

I could do what Link would do in OoT, but I just wouldn't be sane after the adventure. Of course, I would be thrilled to have the bosses dead, though (a game controller is hard enough, but with an actual sword?). ;)
Jan 6, 2009
In your face
This question all depends on whether or not you can follow the game's logic (e.g. falling an amazing height and only taking about half a heart of damage).

And even if I can follow the game's logic, it'd still be insanely difficult. I'd take A LOT of fairies with me and spend a lot of time practising with my items, but all the preparation in the world's not gonna help me face a ReDead or a Stalfos, which I can barely handle when playing the game (unless the Triforce of Courage covers that...). I'd imagine game logic would also make up for the fact that I'm a total weakling and I pass out after running 100m.

If I can't follow game logic, well, I'd just stab myself with the Kokiri Sword as soon as I got it.

All that aside, the adventuring would still be awesome. :)


Lol I wouldn't even get to the kokiri sword lol XD that big boulder would have killed me XD. and crawling through that hole.... I would have been stuck in there for like 3 hours before I could get out, I would have been stuck because my hips wouldn't want to pass XD

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