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What Was Your First Starter, and Why Did You Choose It?

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
My first Pokemon game was Sapphire. I will always remember walking out of the store with my first Pokemon game, turning on my GBA SP in the car, and beginning my adventure. I only knew the Kanto starters, though, so I didn't know which one to pick initially. So, I went with my gut and picked the one that I liked the most based on design. Torchic was a chicken, ew. Mudkip was a whatever the hell it is, adorable, but ew. But Treecko was a gecko, and I love geckos! So that was my ultimate decision. And I must admit that I was very pleased with it. When I saw its evolutions, I almost freaked out fangirling. Treecko, because it holds the honour of being my first Pokemon ever, will always have a special place in my heart. :3
Jul 1, 2013
My first starter was Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow. Of course, Pikachu is the mandatory starter in that Version, so it wasn't my choice.

The first one which I was actually able to choose was Charmander in Red Version. It was a very long time ago, so I'm not entirely sure what my reasoning was. Probably something to do with fire seeming coolest to me, being a six year old boy and all. Maybe also because Charizard is Red Version's mascot? I really can't remember.


Dec 31, 2011
New York
My first starter was Turtwig because it was one of the only Pokemon I knew when I was eight.


no you're not
Jul 21, 2011
mudkip in ruby because my brother chose it in sapphire i was 5 so i did what my brother did.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Technically it was Pikachu in Yellow, and it's not like there was much of a choice either. And Pikachu is GOD AWFUL for the first gym, since the only attack you're going to feasibly have that can even damage Brock's ground type Pokemon is Quick Attack.... which does a whopping 1 HP damage per hit.

Other starters, in order:

Red - Charmander
Crystal - Totodile
Sapphire - Mudkip
Pearl - Chimchar
Black - Snivy
X - Froakie

I guess I tend to like the water-type starters more.
Sep 23, 2013
United States
My first starter was Charmander in Red all because his final evolution (Charizard) was on the cover. And I remember liking Charmander in the anime, so that's another reason why I chose it.


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
I don't remember exactly what my first exact starter was, but I remember the first time I beat Gold Version I had chosen Chikorita and level that thing up to an awesome level 100 Meganium. Ever since I've always picked the grass starters except for FireRed Version, where I chose Charmander.


i got bored and posted something
Apr 13, 2009
Pacific Northwest
First game I ever played was Ruby and the first starter I ever had was Mudkip. I lieked Mudkips before it was ever cool! >: O

Seriously, I never new mudkip would turn into such a beast! I chose him cuz he was blue and adorable looking. Then he turns into a ground water machine! I destroyed all in my path with this guy, and he was the first I ever had up to the legendary level 100. I remember him knowing Surf, Waterfall, Strength and Earthquake (this was before my knowledge of HM slaves and what HMs do and all that jazz). Mudkip and his evolutions are still some of my favorite pokemon to this day, and I usually always go with the water starter from then on. ^^

FireRed: Squirtle
Diamond: Chimchar
Heart Gold: Totodile
White: Oshawott
Y: Froakie


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
My first starter was Charmander, because I was one of those dumb kids that thought you had to chose the starter on the cover.

All the starters I chose:
Red: Charmander
Crystal: Cyndaquil
Ruby: Torchic
Leaf Green: Venusuar
Pearl: Piplup
Soul Silver: Totodile
Y: Fennekin
X: Froakie

Gen I: Squirtle
Gen II: Totodile/Chikorita
Gen III: Torchic
Gen IV: Piplup
Gen V: Oshawott
Gen VI: Froakie/Chespin/Fennekin
Yeah, I'm late--really late--to the gaming aspect of Pokémon, so... haters gonna hate, I guess. But anyways... I got my first Pokémon game for Christmas last year: Pokémon X, and I chose Fennekin as my starter. Why? Well, I personally found Fennekin to be the most artistically appealing and adorable of the bunch. A flamboyant, fiery-spirited version of this cutie... just squeeee~! My starter was the only Pokémon that I have given a nickname to thus far, being "Ignis" after his affinity to fire. I have not let him evolve because he's so cute~~


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
I started with Ruby, and I chose Treecko as my first ever starter. To be honest, I don't know why. I guess at the time I thought he looked pretty cool and cute. If only I actually had him around still... I started keeping special pokemon around long after my first playthrough. ;_;


And now.. That imp has it
Nov 4, 2013
First Pokémon game ever was Pokémon Blue. Since I saw the series before I played the game, I immediatly chose Squirtle. I thought he was so badass in the series with his sunglasses, I had to have him. Not a bad pick either, considering the order of the gyms in Gen 1. Guess Bulbasaur is the easiest choice and Charmander the hardest.

In Gen 2 I went with Cyndaquil for the first time if I remember right. Gen III was a Torchic. Gen IV is the last I played so far and that was Piplup.

If I had to chose for Gen V it would be Tepig, purely based on appearances. Gen VI would be Froagie.
Jun 14, 2011
The First Pokémon Game I ever owned was Pokémon Red. The starter I chose was Charmander because I have a knack for Fire Types. I don't know what it is, but I've always preferred the Fire type over the other two starter types.

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