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What made you sad today?

Oct 26, 2008
Chris Wesseling, of the Around the NFL network, passed away from his cancer at 46. I haven't only listened on and off for a couple of years but it's heart breaking news. Rest in Peace Chris "The Mailman" Wesseling, I hope the best for his wife and son.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
Shadow went missing today.

I could’ve sworn he was here last night. But today I can’t find him anywhere. I spent a long time calling for him outside, but he didn’t show up like he usually does. I’m really worried about him, and I’m scared he might be hurt.

I feel so guilty too. Every night I can’t fall to sleep without checking if all my cats are inside and safe. It was a habit I developed after Geoffrey died. But I didn’t check these past couple days, and now Shadow’s gone.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Shadow went missing today.

I could’ve sworn he was here last night. But today I can’t find him anywhere. I spent a long time calling for him outside, but he didn’t show up like he usually does. I’m really worried about him, and I’m scared he might be hurt.

I feel so guilty too. Every night I can’t fall to sleep without checking if all my cats are inside and safe. It was a habit I developed after Geoffrey died. But I didn’t check these past couple days, and now Shadow’s gone.
That's horrible!!! I'm praying.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland

this is such a crappy loss, I know the writing was on the wall with it being so long since the last Ape Escape, Gravity Rush doing poor sales wise, and a lot of their recent output just being remasters [ouch, kinda like Alpha Dream], but all this says to me is Sony wanting less creative games for the sake of mainstream appeal, and of course people losing jobs is a bad thing in general


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
My best friend got into the Work Based Learning program, which means he gets to go work in a cabinet shop and make money instead of coming to the trade portion of school, and it counts towards his grade. I'm really happy for him, but I only ever see him in-person when we're at school, so now I can't see him there and I can't visit him outside of school. I'm trying to stay supportive, but I'll really miss him >:

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