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What Made You Happy Today?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
We went on a walk in the woods today, in a new place. It had a pretty good sized cave at one part, and it was a great time.
A highlight was in the parking lot, there was a car with a sticker that was a silhouette of a wolf's head, with a certain girl's head with face paint and a headband outlined inside of it.

(It was Princess Mononoke, I was just trying my hand at describing it, to sorta hint at it just bc I felt like it (:)

EDIT:Oh yeah! I nearly forgot! There was this one area that looked like it was straight out of a Zelda game. Probably gonna go back with a legit camera, there were several things there I wanted a picture and/or video of.
Last edited:
Jan 30, 2021
Jedi master/ master of thee high ground
We went on a walk in the woods today, in a new place. It had a pretty good sized cave at one part, and it was a great time.
A highlight was in the parking lot, there was a car with a sticker that was a silhouette of a wolf's head, with a certain girl's head with face paint and a headband outlined inside of it.

(It was Princess Mononoke, I was just trying my hand at describing it, to sorta hint at it just bc I felt like it (:)

EDIT:Oh yeah! I nearly forgot! There was this one area that looked like it was straight out of a Zelda game. Probably gonna go back with a legit camera, there were several things there I wanted a picture and/or video of.
Sounds real fun

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