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What Made You Happy Today?

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
Today we had a women in the store that feels bad for what we are going though offer to buy us pizza tomorrow. :pikalove: And the line outside tried to help me find the cars I was looking for when I brought out curbside, which makes up for the idiots from a few days ago that wanted me to tell the people inside to hurry up. :rolleyes:


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
My fiance sometimes has problems with swallowing food. Especially meat. So yesterday evening around 5.30 pm he had a small piece of meat stuck in his throath. He couldn't drink or eat after that without throwing up. But the meat was still stuck. He could breath normally. So I told him -stubborn as he is- that if it wasn't over today we'll go to see the doctor no matter what. He's terrified of getting a tube inside his throath again o he was freaking out already. I made the appointment and he agreed. But thank goodness he FINALLY was able to to swallow some water and that tiny piece of meat was gone. I still want him to see a doctor anytime soon because this is some chronical thing he has for years. Especially when he gets stressed out. But I'm glad he's able to eat and drink again for now.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
My fiance sometimes has problems with swallowing food. Especially meat. So yesterday evening around 5.30 pm he had a small piece of meat stuck in his throath. He couldn't drink or eat after that without throwing up. But the meat was still stuck. He could breath normally. So I told him -stubborn as he is- that if it wasn't over today we'll go to see the doctor no matter what. He's terrified of getting a tube inside his throath again o he was freaking out already. I made the appointment and he agreed. But thank goodness he FINALLY was able to to swallow some water and that tiny piece of meat was gone. I still want him to see a doctor anytime soon because this is some chronical thing he has for years. Especially when he gets stressed out. But I'm glad he's able to eat and drink again for now.

I have that exact same thing. Meat is especially bad for me as well, and so is bread sometimes. It's been that way for as long as I can remember, and sometimes food can get stuck for a day or so. Which is awful when you can't eat or drink at all. I had a swallow test done recently but it didn't show anything (besides a partial hiatial hernia). Also terrified of ever having to get a scope done too, so I get how he's feeling! Hope they can find out the cause because it truly sucks to deal with.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I have officially finished my undergrad with a degree in History! It feels surreal to be at this point, but its finally done and I'm proud of the skills I obtained. I looked back at my first research paper I wrote and am shocked at where I'm at now.

Next, just one year of grad school and I'll have a masters in Education.

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