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What made 2016 such a bad year?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Aside from Harambe dying (an event that not only ruined 2016 but also the decade as well. No doubt in the future when talking about the 2010-2020 period we will be left with a sour taste in our mouths when we do), there were also a few actors I liked that died this year. Alan Rickman being a biggie.

It is good that I got a job this year but it isnt in my own city and I really despise travelling to it. I feel like I have been there a lot longer than I have. In fact this entire year seems to have dragged for far too long.

Things were better back in my day I can tell you.

I joined this place and won an award. #edgelord.

Think you have it bad? Just remember that I won three.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
So many reasons for this going down as one of the worst years in modern human history:

1) Air strikes in Syria
2) Refugee crisis worldwide
3) Donald Trump
4) Hilary Clinton
5) The US election in general
6) Brexit
7) Nigel Farage
9) Al-Shabab
10) All the icons of our age who have died
11) The rise of the right-wing in general, worldwide (this should really be number one on this list but it's in no particular order)
12) The complete and total lack of any actual good news. Seriously, there has been no good news this year, just war, lies, hatred and the transparency of collapsing democracy.
13) The farcical Labour leader re-election and the smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn
14) Theresa May becoming Prime Minister#
15) Boris Johnson becoming foreign secretary
16) No socialist revolution


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
It was the beginning of the robot rebellion!


The robot, marketed as an educational tool and on sale for 13,000 yuan (US$1,890), was on show at the 18th China International Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzhen when it reportedly suddenly smashed a glass booth and attacked a man.

The victim was taken away in a stretcher for medical treatment, but was not seriously injured.

Although initial reports all suggested that the robot acted of its own accord, Sina.com says that the incident was in fact caused by human error. An official at the tech event said that someone simply mixed up the robot’s ‘forward’ and ‘back’ buttons, sending the robot crashing into a display stand and injuring the unfortunate bystander.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The Ghostbusters remake that polarized the country almost as much as the presidential campaign.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
Honestly I do not think the remake itself actually caused half as much trouble as the director and producer engaging internet weirdos and began insulting them as much as they could. That was probably the most unprofessional thing I have seen of someone with an executive position in a film company, and that is talking about a crowd that is known for their cocaine induced disturbing hedonism. Somehow filmmakers stopped letting their work speak for itself, it needed twitter based help for reasons I cannot understand.


Feb 14, 2016
The Sea

Like 2016 or Johnson's Great Society?

Also, let's be honest, 2016 sucked because I had to listen to people talk politics and all of us had to talk about politics.

You're a political civilian, Misty. Stick to shock and outrage at the predictable failings of modern democracy :)

But I'm not shocked and outraged. I'm pleasantly surprised that modern democracy only let me down in a macro way. In a micro way, we're rockin' and rollin'.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
Like 2016 or Johnson's Great Society?

Also, let's be honest, 2016 sucked because I had to listen to people talk politics and all of us had to talk about politics.

But I'm not shocked and outraged. I'm pleasantly surprised that modern democracy only let me down in a macro way. In a micro way, we're rockin' and rollin'.

1) The fact you think Johnson's Great Society shows how much you know about socialism... and that's all really...

But seriously I was just joking, on both counts.


Feb 14, 2016
The Sea
1) The fact you think Johnson's Great Society shows how much you know about socialism... and that's all really...

Now where in the world did I equate Johnson's Great Society to socialism? I don't remember doing that honestly. If I were going to talk about the inadequacies of socialism, I hardly need reach back to the 60s. Not when socialized medicine is less than a year from going belly up in my country. Next you'll think I'm the sort of person to bring up 9/11 as a reason to be wary of Muslim extremism and/or the entire faith. (I totally am, but the point is, I'm not elbow deep in the trash can of history looking because it's all at the top.)

but seriously, I got the joke. It was funny. :)

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