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What is Your Mood at the Moment?


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Feeling a bit down lately. Generally missing the few years before I had been diagnosed with cancer thrice over. Stayed up late every Friday night in a private room on SOCOM II with a buddy I met on there watching Inuyasha. "I remember when, we used to laugh. Now I wish those nights weren't looooost!"(I know those last two words are wrong.)
Jan 14, 2015
\v/(^3^)\v/ $Ching Ching Chicka Ching Ching$
I am incredibly cheerful and entertained at the same time. ;P

And it feels great to be on top of the world with my friends~ (^_^)
Somehow -- every word I say is a sneak attack haha.
Jan 14, 2015
\v/(^3^)\v/ $Ching Ching Chicka Ching Ching$
I'm happy and satisfied 'cause I've accomplished so much during my travels. ^_^
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