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What Is The Minish Cap?

Who/What is the Minish Cap?

  • Ezlo is the Minish Cap because he is a literal Minish Cap.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The magical hat is the Minish Cap because a Minish creature uses it and it's a cap.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
I am currently discussing over at ZeldaWiki what the actual name of Minish Cap refers to. There are really only 2 options and both are very confusing as to figuring out the actual identity of the Minish Cap.

1. The Minish Cap is the magical hat that Ezlo creates and Vaati steals to become the sorcerer that he is.

Good things about this choice:

a. The hat is used to essentially start and end the story of the game (it causes Vaati to be strong and gives Zelda the power to fix things in the end), thus making it an important item and good candidate for the true Minish Cap.

Problems with this choice:

a. The titles of the games usually refer to an item Link uses or a character that helps Link throughout the game. The magical hat Ezlo creates/Vaati steals fits neither of those descriptions.
b. The hat created by Ezlo/stolen by Vaati is never once called the Minish Cap throughout the entire game.
c. Although the hat is used to essentially start and end the game, Ezlo created the cap so he really is the one that started it all.

2. Ezlo is the Minish Cap.

Good things about this choice:

a. Ezlo is a Minish being who is transformed into a cap. He is a literal Minish Cap.
b. As stated before, the titles of the games usually refer to an item used or a character that helps Link throughout the game. Ezlo in cap form is not only an "item" used to shrink Link, but he is a character that helps Link throughout the game, thus fitting both descriptions oof what the title of the games usually refers to.

Problems with this choice:

a. He is not the center of all of the destruction in the game. The magical hat he created is.

Final thoughts:

I personally believe that the title refers to Ezlo. He is the literal Minish Cap and is a constant chracter throughout the game which would iterate the title. Items/characters in titles of the Zelda series are usually things that are used a lot throughout the game. Ezlo fits that perfectly and the magical hat he creates does not so much.

So what do you guys think? Is it Ezlo, or the hat that Ezlo makes?
Dec 9, 2009
It's Ezlo. Most Zelda games are named after an item that Link acquires in the game, so it would seem logical that that is the case here, too.


[Insert Funny Statement]
Nov 11, 2008
I thought it said in-game that the magical hat is the Minish Cap, but I could be wrong...

Nope, no where in the entire game is the hat that Vaati wears called the Minish Cap. Believe me, I've done my research on it. In fact, "Minish Cap" is never said or stated anywhere in the game. No one and nothing is ever referred to the Minish Cap. I've done a text dump at ZeldaWiki for Minish Cap and nothing came up. Neither the hat nor Ezlo is ever called the Minish Cap.


Dec 16, 2009
And still, I do think that Vaati stole the Minish Cap from Elzo.
And still, I do believe that was in-game.

P.S. I'm playing PAL, do you think stuff got translated differently?

Evil Space Fish

Hyrule's village Jester
Dec 16, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I voted Ezlo as the MC. It makes the most sense regardless of in game text, the cover shows a hat, Ezlo is turned into the cap, he's minish, he's the minish cap lol. Fact... not really, specualtion, yes but with good reasonable intent.
Nov 26, 2008

You're right in all of the points you brought up. They both have extremely high probability of being the titular character or item. But I find it extremely interesting that they have two objects that seem to be the titular object. No other game in the entire series does this (TP messes around a little, but it's clear who the Twilight Princess is by the end).

There's another note. Ezlo and the cap he made are almost the same thing when you consider their connection to Four Swords (MC was clearly inspired by Four Swords, it has so many things in common with it, especially aesthetically). In FS there was an item called the Gnat Hat. It shrunk Link and looked almost exactly like the hat Ezlo made. In other words it functions as Ezlo does but looks like the hat he made that Vaati stole. They've basically split up the Gnat Hat into two separate things in Minish Cap. Because of this and other plot details, I believe the title simultaneously refers to both Ezlo and Vaati's cap. And I don't see how it could be any other way, personally. It makes the most sense to me.

(For the record, I always assumed it was the cap Ezlo made that was the "Minish Cap". But this thread made me think about it because you were right, Zemen, that it never calls it the Minish Cap. Then I came to this conclusion.)


Dec 16, 2009
Now, THAT's what I call thinking! Thanks!

To make my message long enough to post it, I'll add some more characters!
Oct 17, 2009
i personally think that both ezlo and the cap he made are minish caps. however i think that in the title of the game they are referring to ezlo, as he i on the cover, and has a larger role in the story, being the partner of link, while the magic hat is mention a few times in the game as what makes vatti powerful and then appears at the end to make everything better.


I am baaacccckkkk
Jan 25, 2010
The title shows Ezlo (as a hat) sitting on one of the letters... I guess it is Ezlo that is the Minish Cap, yes.


Most Uncreatively Named
Jan 24, 2010
I always saw the Minish Cap as Ezlo. He's much more important in the game than the magic cap is.

For the kind of plot device that it was supposed to be, I felt the role that the magic cap played was significantly minute. It was the source of Vaati's power, and it fixed Hyrule in the end, but that was pretty much it. Compared to other items/characters featured in the subtitles of the games (the Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, the Spirit Tracks, etc. etc. etc.), it really isn't all that crucial.

Ezlo, on the other hand, was much more prevelent in the game. He allowed you to access the Minish world, guided you on your quest. He fits the role of subtitle much better than the magic cap.


Quid est veritas, Claudia
Feb 9, 2010
First of all, I would like to state that this is a very good thread. Also, that I've never really thought hard about it. I'm not voting on the poll because I can't choose. :(

Okay, I've never ever given any thought to the red magic cap that he creates being the Minish Cap. I've NEVER EVER thought of that. But by and by, you must realize that, well I'll start here.

Ezlo-There are many reasons why he could be, but you didn't mention something that I thought of that backfires on him being it. None of you have mentioned it yet. He's not supposed the be a cap. It was a curse by Vaati. He's really a normal Minish. So when you think about it, if Ezlos was the Minish Cap, that's not possible. Because he was turned into it. It's not really him. But also, he could be the Minish Cap, because he turns you into a Minish. That's when it gets really confusing. But still, onto the next one. :/

Magical Cap-This could also be it and like I said, I've never given it any thought. But this makes more since actually, because it turned Ezlo into the cap. So when you think about it- A cap turned someone into a cap. Which one would have higher autority then? The Magical Cap that was created.

Another thing would be that the title could be reffering to BOTH of them. They could both be the Minish Cap.
But we'll never find out because they never say the words "Minish Cap" In the whole game. I would know, I've beaten it a lot of times. So, hence it's a very good thread. Congrats Zemen!

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