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What is Termina? How Could It Possibly Be Another Dimension?


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
People often refer to Termina as some sort of dream or alternate dimension. here are my thoughts. There is nothing stating this outright. Link falls into it, but he was attacked Skullkid while still awake in Hyrule. Skullkid can't possibly exist in both. The game's characters look the same because the designs are excellent and the game was rushed through development. You can clearly see Death Mountain from Termina. The official timeline places it as part of the timeline after Ocarina of Time and leading up to Twighlight Princess with no mention of dimensional tracvel. All of this seems to destroy the alternate dimension theory. What do you think

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
It could be that the skull kid either traveled from Termina to Hyrule or from Hyrule to Termina like Link.
Travel between alternate dimensions/realities isn't that uncommon in media.
Also the manual of the game states it is an alternate universe, So does HH I believe.

Just because the game is on the timeline doesn't mean it wasn't in a parallel universe.
A timeline is just a record of when and what order events occurred.
If Link left to Termina on day A and returned on day B, the events of MM are now recorded on the timeline,
they occurred between A and B.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon

1. Link is never seen leaving Termina; he continues his quest for Navi. 2. The game guide vaguely says it is a parallel world to Hyrule, that is likely a comparison that it is very similar to Hyrule. This statement could also have been easily mistranslated. 3. Anyway it seems odd dimension traveling would be never mentioned if it is so key to the story. It's never even suggested to actually occur.
Feb 23, 2011
The old woman in The Legend of Zelda (original), if memory serves, was not known in-game as Impa. However, the game's manual clearly refers to her as such, and this is further backed by several official sources, including Hyrule Historia. Fun fact: According to the aforementioned sources, Impa was also confirmed to be Sheikah in said games via retcon.

Termina is similar in a sense, as it is not referred to in-game as an alternate dimension; however, it is. Care to know why? Because Nintendo says so. Not everything about the plot can be learned in-game. Some knowledge can only be acquired through research, interviews, and other external [official] sources.

Night Owl

Oct 3, 2011
Skybound Coil Tree, Noctilum
1. Link is never seen leaving Termina; he continues his quest for Navi. 2. The game guide vaguely says it is a parallel world to Hyrule, that is likely a comparison that it is very similar to Hyrule. This statement could also have been easily mistranslated. 3. Anyway it seems odd dimension traveling would be never mentioned if it is so key to the story. It's never even suggested to actually occur.

Just because he is never seen leaving doesn't mean he didn't. Link is never seen failing yet he failed, causing the third split.
The "we didn't see it happen" argument rarely holds water in general.

It could have, but it is vastly different to Hyrule. Physics are different, The moon vastly is different, and the Song of Time actually controls time.
That should be enough to at least hint at not being in the same universe.
Also we usually don't use the term parallel world/universe to compare countries that border each other.

Hyrule Historia does say that Link Left Hyrule looking for Navi and found the way to a parallel universe, Termina.
The timeline of hyrule is just that, a timeline. The book explains each point of the timeline on other pages.

Here is what HH has to say about MM: (Done by the group that got called to do the official translation)
GlitterBerri's Game Translations » Pg. 110 The Twilight Realm and the Hero’s Descendants
GlitterBerri's Game Translations » Pg. 111 Turmoil in Termina, the Parallel Universe
GlitterBerri's Game Translations » Pg. 112 Turmoil in Termina (Continued)


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon

It should be noted that if it's not official our ideas can't really hold water. How about we all get Hyrule Hystoria when it comes out, and I will continue the discussion when we all have had a chance to read it.
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Feb 23, 2011
It should be noted that if it's not official our ideas can't really hold water. How about we all get Hyrule Hystoria when it comes out, and I will continue the discussion when we all have had a chance to read it.

I have already read it.

Also, just so you know... I actually think that it would have been kinda cool if Termina were a bordering country or even a vivid, chimerical dream of Link's own creation; unfortunately that is not the case here. It'd be best to save yourself the headache and accept it as is...


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
I know.

I know it likely is the truth, but the timelines and the other dimensions are just too confusing and awful. I almost died when I had to accept Star Wars Episode I. I can't go through that again without a fight, although it won't be that bad.
Mar 20, 2010
New York, USA
As it has been stated, the official game booklet mentions that Termina is, in fact, a dimension parallel to Hyrule.

Also, that isn't Death Mountain you see from Termina - it's some other volcano near Woodfall. I believe you stand against it when you reach your first encounter with Kaepora Gaebora (sp?) and learn the Song of Soaring.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
People often refer to Termina as some sort of dream or alternate dimension.

I rule out all possibility of it being a dream. It would make more sense for Link to go down a rabbit hole [if you will] after chasing Skullkid and ending up in a universe parallel to Hyrule. In my belief, Termina exists on an entirely different plane that its "cousin realm", which is entirely possible considering that there are other lands to be found within the Legend of Zelda (Koholing, Holondrum [sp?], etcetera...). All in all, I'd be more for than against Termina's undoubted existence...unless the Lost Woods do really strange things to the mind.

here are my thoughts. There is nothing stating this outright. Link falls into it, but he was attacked Skullkid while still awake in Hyrule. Skullkid can't possibly exist in both.

The Skullkid that Link meets in Termina is the very one that he teaches Saria's Song to in Ocarina of Time. This is expressed at the end of Majora's Mask. Therefore it's entirely possible that since Skullkid can go between Hyrule and Termina, then it is an alternate dimension.

The game's characters look the same because the designs are excellent and the game was rushed through development.

If MM's development was rushed while its designs are excellent then it's a good game indeed.

In all seriousness, I recall reading that Aonuma told Miyamoto that he could finish developing a Zelda game in a year or less. In order to do this they had to reuse a lot of characters from Ocarina of Time, but they pulled it off very well considering the game's circumstances. Seeing familiar faces helped me relate better to the Moon's upcoming crisis.

By the way, I'm not seeing how that negates Termina being an alternate dimension of sorts...

You can clearly see Death Mountain from Termina.

I always thought that to be the area that surrounded Woodfall Temple.

The official timeline places it as part of the timeline after Ocarina of Time and leading up to Twilight Princess with no mention of dimensional travel. All of this seems to destroy the alternate dimension theory. What do you think

I think that if Termina didn't exist, then there'd be no point in Majora's Mask at all. It's on the official timeline after all, so it is canon with the rest of the series. All signs point toward its reality moreso than not. Only complication I foresee is whether or not it's a dream, alternate dimension, or Link subjected to a wakeful hallucination caused by the Lost Woods. But that is hinged to subjective perception.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Basically Nintendo was short on time, so they reused old characters, textures, and such. To avoid looking lazy, they put down "other dimension" in the game booklet as an afterthought.


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
People often refer to Termina as some sort of dream or alternate dimension. here are my thoughts. There is nothing stating this outright.

The game's manual, the Hyrule Historia and developer comments all state, outright, that Termina is a parallel universe.

Skullkid can't possibly exist in both.

The Skullkid is the one who plays Saria's Song in Ocarina of Time. He is from Hyrule and simply travels to Termina in the same way Link does. He can exist in both, of course, not at the exact same moment.

The game's characters look the same because the designs are excellent and the game was rushed through development.

I wouldn't say 'rushed' but yes, the reuse of character models was a time saving effort to ensure the game was finished in a short time-frame. However, I don't understand how that precludes Termina from being a parallel universe. It seems to support the notion by providing parallel versions of Hyrule's inhabitants.

You can clearly see Death Mountain from Termina.

No you can't. The mountain I suspsect you are referring to is Woodfall. Within the ring at the peak is Woodfall Temple and you speak to Kaepora Gaebora while stood on the side of the mountain at one point. It is not Death Mountain.

The official timeline places it as part of the timeline after Ocarina of Time and leading up to Twighlight Princess with no mention of dimensional tracvel. All of this seems to destroy the alternate dimension theory. What do you think

OoT makes mention of "the gap between dimensions", where Ganondorf banishes his Phantom after the Forest Temple is cleared and Twilight Princess has the Twilight Realm which could be described as another dimension. The Zelda franchise has established other dimensions, even before Majora's Mask, so I do not see how there has been no mention of them and how that destroys a fact the developers have confirmed several times.

1. Link is never seen leaving Termina; he continues his quest for Navi.

Just because we didn't see him leave doesn't mean he stayed in Termina. Hyrule Historia confirms that the Hero's Shade from TP is the Hero of Time, the Link who was returned to childhood and went to Termina. That strongly suggests Link returned to Hyrule after MM.

2. The game guide vaguely says it is a parallel world to Hyrule, that is likely a comparison that it is very similar to Hyrule. This statement could also have been easily mistranslated.

Parallel universe means another universe that runs alongside the universe Hyrule is in. Termina and Hyrule are obviously very different places, so I would strongly doubt the term 'parallel universe' is meant as a comparison. The fact that the same words were used again and again in regards to Termina would lead to the conclusion that it is not a mistranslation or a vague statement. The consistency with which it has been used tells us that it is an accurate and appropriate term to use with regard to what Termina is.

3. Anyway it seems odd dimension traveling would be never mentioned if it is so key to the story. It's never even suggested to actually occur.

The suggestion comes from the game manual when it says Termina is a parallel dimension. The suggestion is furthered at the start of the game when Link falls through a large hole with flashing, colourful images whizzing past and then walks through a mysterious,twisting corridor that warps around him. The game doesn't need to explicitly have some stand up and say "Link! You have travelled into a parallel universe!", we are simply introduced to the notion and then find things in-game that fits with that. Dimensional travel is not key to the story either, the story is about stopping the Moon and saving Termina, redeeming the Skullkid and solving people's problems.

Honestly, I see absolutely no reason to doubt that Termina is a parallel universe.


Mardek Innanu El-Enkidu
Feb 21, 2012
I don't know why people use the "they reused NPC models" thing as a counterargument, that's like saying that since the NES could only have 7 enemies, there are more than 7 enemies in the Legend of Zelda (made up example).

Story serves gameplay, gameplay is restricted by limitations, MM had time limitations, therefore they reused models, then they explained it by making it an alternate dimension
Oct 22, 2012
I think you meant how could it NOT be a parallel dimension. I'm not even going to argue with you. If you can give me a logical explanation why you can take a trip a few miles west (going west down a hole apparantly) and the society-less Deku can start up a civilization on par with the Soviet Union , a group of volcano dwelling rock people live in Winter Wonderland, the elegant Zora are starting up rock bands, the only known religion in both countries have never heard of the other, and the only known method to travel between these countries is down a hole in a shadowy forest with more legends surrounding it than Bigfoot through a Legend of Zelda based Win98 based screen saver. Oh and let's not forget that these neighboring countries know absolutely nothing of each other. Give me 7 logical answers and these questions then I'll argue with you about this.
Feb 20, 2013
I love MM but I honestly hated the whole "parallel universe" thing. It just seems outright lazy to me and I tossed that fact out the window as soon as it arrived. I don't care that it's official I'll just pass on it thanks.

Since I like to be an immature stubborn brat, I'm going to close my eyes, put my fingers in my ears, stomp my feet as much as I please, and keep shouting what I want to think. And you know what I want to think? I want to - and do - think that Link forgot to fix his GPS and ended up in a town a few miles from Hyrule. Since Link had gone through hell and back defeating Ganon, only to be returned to his child self by that **** Zelda, he's probably pretty pissed, right? And think of how a real human being, a real veteran warrior would act in that situation: poor Link probably went crazy!

'Aight so psycho-Link is tripping acid and knows nothing else but war, tries to make up some crazy new event for himself.

So, why do characters reappear? That's easy! Link is racist and can't tell anyone of a different race apart.

And thus concludes the best theory ever.
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