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What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
Currently playing Kingdom Hearts, trying to get 99 of the synthesizing items, from enemies before going to the next area. That's my goal with this playthrough, and I also have been playing Plants vs Zombies on the PC, Game of the Year edition. I actually installed it from the installation disc I got one time at a store a long time ago. I'm also playing Minecraft, still don't know what actually causes the issue with my files getting corrupted.

There's also another project I'm working on. I'm trying to create a connected timeline with every game I own and putting them in a connected universe. Then I'm going to play them in the historical order that I made up. My only clues for the timeline placements is actually the technology used in each game, and if a game has an official timeline.

Still trying to get the timeline itself sorted out before starting the games... Hopefully I can get that done, and the time it perfectly for my games I play at certain times of the year annually.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
So you recently played OoA and OoS. Gotcha. After completing OoA did you immediately link and transfer your file info to OoS before playing OoS? I just wanna make sure this is what you did. In order to do the final-final boss fight, you have to do that.
Actually no. I didn't know about it until I already started OoA and played it for a while. I understand to link them you have to start a new file. I think I just do this with OoA :D

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
I've been playing Ratchet & Clank recently. I'm also been playing a new playthrough of Crash Bandicoot on the N-Sane Trilogy, I might play something else along with it, but not sure what.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
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ZD Legend
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Been jumping around between Tears of the Kingdom, Granblue Relink, and Granblue VS Rising. Just doing the daily missions in Rising, but Lucillius descends on Relink in a few days and I'm trying to beef up my mains as much as possible in anticipation. He's gonna be a crazy fight. When I'm not doing that I'm enjoying some fun exploration in Zelda.

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