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What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Currently bouncing back and fourth between WoW and TotK. There isn't enough time! AND PIKMIN 4 IS OUT IN A WEEK!
Also started playing Pac-Man World 2 for my channel, which will start coming out after I'm done uploading Toxic 2.

Last but not least, I'm playing my old Pokémon Crystal (got the memory in the cartridge fixed) on my Gameboy Color during my lunch breaks at work. When I'm done with that, I've finally bought one of those thingies for the N64 so that I can transfer my Pokémon into Pokémon Stadium 2! I've had that game since it came out, but I've never had the transfer pack before, so I'm looking forward to this!


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
I completed House of Ashes and am now moving onto The Devil In Me.

And I gotta say House of Ashes was a great game but The Devil In Me is just... I dunno. Serial Killer Murder House is a good concept but I'm just not feeling it yet.


i got bored and posted something
Apr 13, 2009
Pacific Northwest
Started up a file of Elden Ring cuz I never finished it and I really need to, as well as Animal Crossing GC to balance out the hate and frustration.
Jul 17, 2023
I'm basically spending all my game time on Tears of the Kingdom. I was playing LA 2019 several months ago, but I can't defeat the Nightmare in the Wind Fish's Egg (might get to that one of these days).

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
I started Persona 5 Strikers last night. It's definitely odd to experience Warriors combat through an encounter system, and it's not as satisfying as the massive battles I'm used to because the encounters are so short, but it's still fun. Getting used to the new gameplay loop.


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
is that a game??
It is now!

Introducing Hey Guys!
A farming simulator where you have to farm hey to keep your livestock alive while you defend your farm against the harrows of the Zombie Apocalypse!
A top-down farming simulator akin to Stardew Valley where you can visit your friend's farms in a manner akin to visiting your friend's village in Animal Crossing while having to also defend your farm from raids performed by other players or AI bandits and scavs, all while still having to venture into the city to obtain supplies to repair your farming equipment; where the greatest threat is the zombies that dominate the urban hellscape!
Grab the Guys and defend your Hay!


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Mainly just New Vegas right now, helping some zombies build a rocket, but I'm hankering for another Majora's Mask playthrough soon. Probably will after I get some more time in New Vegas behind me.


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
I'm currently playing Fallout 4 on a new character and I gotta say, the game seems to have gotten more broken as time went on.
I recall my first playthrough back near launch of the game and I had no major issues. But in this playthrough I have encountered strange happenings.

My conversation with Preston Garvey is glitched so I cannot access the rooftop Power Armor and continue the quest, so now I am locked out of the first official Deathclaw fight, a set of Power Armor, and part of the Concord sewers is gated off to me. The last of the Minutemen are forever locked away in the attic of the Museum of Freedom.

I then went on to speak with Trashcan Carla for the first time and while we were speaking A RANDOM DEATHCLAW ENCOUNTER happened and she was whacked and fled (Carla is fine and still visits Sanctuary for trading) but I barely managed to survive the Deathclaw.

I went to Abernathy Farm after obtaining the locket from USAF Oliva and returned it to Mr. Abernathy to make use of his workshop. After an hour of building at the site I decided to outfit the Abernathy's with better guns and spoke with Connie Abernathy. Mid sentence she suddenly vanished and then Blake Abernathy approaches me and says "Help! My wife's been kidnapped!!". SOMEHOW the Raiders at the Stockpile had kidnapped her WHILE I WAS TALKING TO HER!

Needless to say, this playthrough is getting WILD.
May 21, 2023
I’m having fun playing through the Oracle games on Switch.

Thing is, I had bought them on 3DS, but I think I’d only bothered to play through Seasons again before getting busy with other stuff. So Ages is not so fresh in my memory.

I can recall a lot of details almost exactly, however it just doesn’t *feel* as big as it did back then. I guess sort of a similar feeling to playing Ocarina of Time again some years later, or even Mario 64. Funny how this works with some games but not others…I suppose some may lend themselves more to a sense that the adventures have the illusion of being more grand than they actually are. I think it was Twilight Princess that got me jaded towards that concept, only for the last two titles in this series to eventually amend that and deliver on that kind of promise.

Nevertheless, I think these are my favorite 2D Zelda games. Really hoping they still get the remake treatment Link’s Awakening got but who knows. I definitely think it was time to move on to a new style from the 3D games that were mostly bogged down by OoT tropes, and can’t believe whiners want to go back to that, but there’s definitely still room for 2D games like these. I like Minish Cap and all but I remember feeling it was definitely a step down in terms of tight design and mechanics. Hoping they’ll do more, maybe collaborate with Capcom again even.

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