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What Exactly Does the Triforce of Courage Bestow?

Jan 1, 2012
So as we all know, Link holds the Triforce of courage. But exactly what does this give him?
Does it give him extra endurance?So for example he can trek up Snowpeak Mountain without getting cold?

Does it it literally give him Courage so he never fears in the face of Danger?

Or perhaps does it give him Mastery over all weapons, because he's instantly great at using them as soon as he receives it?

So please share your thoughts


It probably gives him the power to protect and the courage to face any and all dangers.....admit it you couldn't fight Ganondorf without some high level of courage.


I always thought it gave him stamina. In a lot of games, Link's health will go up while hes gathering up triforce or figuring out what his destiny is.
Oct 11, 2011
The only actual power Link has gained from the Triforce of Courage, as far as I know, is to not turn into a shadow when inside Twilight, he becomes a wolf instead. I don't think that the piece itself is supposed to do a lot, I think that it is more like a safety measure to prevent someone with an unbalanced heart to master the True Force.

(The Triforce of Power did at least save Ganondorf's life in the same game.)

/Blue Window


Weapon of a Lifetime
Nov 2, 2011
I always assumed it implied that he had earned the so called "Hero's Spirit" and the courage to be called the Hero.
Oct 22, 2011
Los Angeles
I would say the entire Triforce gives strength, more strength than the T of Power/Wisdom/Courage. Think back to OoT right before the Ganondorf Battle. He claims that once he collects Courage and Wisdom, he will be all powerful.

I believe that this strength comes from all three elements, yet, for example, the Triforce of Wisdom would give more wisdom than courage or power.


Someone You Met Online
Dec 17, 2011
Cleveland, Ohio
I think it's more of a symbol than a reward or special item because after everything link goes through, he earns it. It's more of a spiritual thing when you think about it.
Feb 23, 2011
I don't think it actually gives a person courage. In WW Link is shown to collect the triforce himself after already facing his trials and proving without out doubt that he has earned the title of the Hero. It's a stamp of honour rather the the source of it. I rather like to think of it more like a protection like in TP. It puts you on level ground with the wielders of the other parts of the triforce (somewhat).

I subscribe to the above. However, I might add... I believe the Triforce enhances a given quality of the wielder; in Link's case, courage...or something along those lines.

In bold: I have also pondered this. Perhaps each attribute of the Triforce - Power, Wisdom, and Courage - balances each other out. For example, it takes courage to use power, and it takes wisdom to wield power, and so on; it's like a cycle of essences and energy. Not an excellent example [noparse]:P[/noparse], but it sums up my point. Moreover, I surmise that such qualities [each individual attribute] are then transferred over to the respective wielders. This could be an intricate design of fate and destiny, as a direct result of divine intervention by the Golden Goddesses and/or Hylia. Link is simply a part of the triad of balance, and the Triforce of Courage is a mark of fate. It must exist as a part of the design of fate to maintain the balance. This might also [indirectly?] tie in to the Curse of Demise...somehow. I hope this makes sense...


Hmmm. I've always wondered this. The only thing that stands out to me is how it was necessary to combine the Triforce of Courage with Power and Wisdom in order to wake Prince Zelda I from her eternal sleep.

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