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What Do You Do when You Get Stumped in a Dungeon?

What do you do when you get stumped in a dungeon?

  • Completely backtrack and look through every room for something you missed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Look up a walkthrough right away, or ask somebody that has already played the game

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  • Linger in the room and think about it

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  • Ask somebody else for ideas

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  • Leave the dungeon and do something else

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Quit the game -- you'll come back to it eventually

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  • Other

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  • Total voters


I usually scan the room I'm stuck in for a couple of minutes, and if that doesn't work, I check over the whole entire dungeon. Once all hope is lost, I look at a ZD walkthrough, feeling stupid that I didn't realize how to find the key or whatever.
Nov 29, 2010
I will go back through the level checking for anything i might have missed.
I will look tin every room in great detail.

Perhaps i have missed a secret,like a hole to crawl into which leads to another area of the dungeon.
Perhaps there is a chest i did not open etc.
Sometimes ill leave the dungeon and go do something else but im still thinking of things i might have missed in that dungeon.
Jan 17, 2009
The Universe
I look at a walkthrough.
I don't have the patience to figure out what to do when I'm really stumped.

Apparently some people don't think that's good.
Jun 11, 2011
I chose Linger.

I rarely need a walkthrough I only use them if I am stuck on something for more than 3 days. I think I have used a walkthrough for dungeons maybe 3 times, and in those situations I see what I did wrong I close it and don't use it again. I don't really see the point in completely ruining all the puzzles for yourself.

Also, once I have the map I usually breeze through it easy.

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