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What do you do to calm yourself?


A Frog
Feb 19, 2010
on my bean bag...
I just sit on my bean bag being depressed and staring at the wall until I'm either calm or my mum tells me to quit it because I look like a loony.
If it's raining, I go out barefoot in the rain and just stand there, especially if it's a thunder storm. I look at the lightning and listen to the rain. It's beautiful.
Then, in both cases, I play some cello/

Hero Of Spirits

Champion of Cyrodiil
Feb 25, 2010
Cyrodiil, Tamriel
I mostly when I annoyed or angry, there's the option of Zelda music {ST or TP}, or there's walking into a shallow bit of water at the beach & dipping my feet in. That alway's calms me down. I don't know why, it feels so nice.
Jan 8, 2009
I never let it show if I'm angry or upset, so I usually just go off by myself somewhere, outside, my room, and read a book or think about the issue (if there is actually a legit issue that needs taken care of). And.. on occasion I have come online and ranted to a few close friends.


Crazy Cookie
Dec 6, 2009
Zee Internets
I do things to distract myself, mainly stare at the computer all night (I REALLY need to stop doing that), rub my forehead to help with headaches and stress, or just take deep breaths and relax.

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